General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Riki effect

Phantom Riki effect in General Discussion

    Won a game with a phantom riki wannabe feeding 2 fucking rapiers... and dont mind the brew (i think he is a drug addict, just look at his profile)

    In LPQ though


      He was 19-1-10 you should be thanking him for the carry.


        Well I said he is a wannabe... not as good as you


          Where did you find this brewmaster? Also, jesus, he has a higher winrate than some... other people... around here... and he contributes nothing but death. Its as if, if you give one person on your team all of the money, that person would be responsible for your loss. But I digress.

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            How does Brewmaster win games?

            The DarKNovA

              I thought skill levels don't really matter when it comes to how the average players play, but looking at some of these games, I guess there is a difference between very high and normal skill.


                Well what the brew did was to walk mid and auto attack creeps until they killed him, every fucking time

                So after a while he was not giving away that much gold

                I used him as a bait to blink in and do slarder things, lol

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  but I don't feed
                  I get kills
                  and even assists

                  and he still wins more games than me wtf.

                  He is proof that winrate shows nothing about skills


                    It proves in Normal Skill matches if you do nothing but walk down mid and auto attack creeps you will have more winrate than #TheLegend

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