General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play support at normal skill ?

How to play support at normal skill ? in General Discussion

    u know even in normal skill when everyone just farming all time, sup still needed. but as mostly they play carry, they still dun have map awarness, sometimes miss cs, etc. example when i play earthshaker, i gank mid, and ive ping and chat, and tried to block enemy so he cant escape, but my mid only saw hes own creeps and didnt give a fck about it. maybe sup job at ns is only ward and cour, isnt it? any thought guys? im rarely play sup tho, i love being a retard carry, but i need to play sup for +25 if found 4 others :P.

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      you dont.


        dont what ?


          Pick omniknight. you will win MMR and mysteriously become VHS overnight.


            ^ill try it later

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Don't support. If you're under 3k, just don't. I even tried omni and the teams I have had are fucking unbelievable today.


                Yeah thats what Im thinking thats why I olayed 2 techies in ranked buy courier and buy wards and asked them to plant


                  If you need to sup go for heros with solo kill potential (pudge,lina,lion)and heros that can gank

                  great expectations

                    >buy iron talon and jungle
                    >level 5 at 6 mins while enemy support is level 3 while "supporting" the lane with denies and pulls


                      Dont worry bro even there will still be some 4k will just tell you "Hey i buy ward i already done my support job"


                        lycan jungle push strat (tp scrools don't give dmg so nobodys buying them), or if you really want to play supp pick undying or pudge and only buy the courier but don't say you are a support and just go full apeshit on enemy.


                          I agree with you that most in normal skill solo ranked players will farm all game. That is the reason why they lose, still farming while their racks and towers are loosing haha

                          lm ao

                            i will actually try omni spam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                              you actually can play support.

                              this is of course, assuming you're play at level.

                              just pick a support that can go late game or get kills on his own, a snowballer.

                              for example, lion.


                                Lion is one of the easiest support to play just hex stun and ulti then u Can suck creeps for mana normal skill players like me rarely bug BKB so supporting is easier


                                  I'm a noob player and used to supp a lot. You know when team picks only hard carries and you are only left with one choice. I like to play ES and stun the shit out of everybody and hopefully let the carries finish the job. Just try to communicate with your team and time the stuns n' shit properly. I'm no means a great player but learning. With correct timing with pulls, stacks'n shiet you'll be better. Rotations and all that stuff I'm still learning. I wish all the players would have a mindset that I have, learning takes time. Try your hardest and watch youtube and try to learn.


                                    In general, constantly try to gank mid, instead of "gg mid no gank".

                                    witch doctor might be the best all around support... stun, heal, nuke, farming, you get them all.

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                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      Support me pls

                                      silverback action

                                        im at 3k right now and i came to realize that every team has one player that is suppose to carry the team. dont argue i see this literally every single game. point is if you think you are the best player on your team then just pick mid and carry

                                        silverback action

                                          or support if someone on your team is better than you


                                            Supports are rare in 2k-3k. I'm playing sup in this account and it sucks. Sometimes 4-man carry and solo sup ward slave and still the one being blamed. Sup life is hard lol

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              Whoever here is a support main pls I need a support who does not abandon)))
                                              Pls support me)

                                              sopa en mi yolk

                                                I WILL DO ANYTHING MASTER RIKI

                                                Herald Pride

                                                  because of good support i ever had 5 game with zero death ;)


                                                    Honesty it's fun supporting in the trench

                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                      If you want to play support well, it's best to brush up on your fundamentals (i.e game knowledge and decision-making), particularly in solo normal skill matches where carry teammates often tilt easily and play inefficiently.

                                                      I suggest watching ppd's (team EG captain) guide to support and really taking the time to understand and practice the concepts he refers to. Good support, whatever the skill tier, involves doing so much more than just wards and courier.


                                                      Good luck.

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                                                      ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                        my last game with witch doctor,
                                                        I am successed harrasing my lane (vs ursa and venge), even ursa died a lot and abandon the game....
                                                        I bought a lot of wards (obs and sentry) also dust. (A LOT...)
                                                        Bought pipe first, seeing my enemies have sand king and leschrac....
                                                        Several time glimmering my spectre and drow when they are ganked, then I died because I glimmered them not myself....
                                                        Kill the most (im not ks'ing anyway), and still most assist. (died a lot as I said... I always try to save my carries).

                                                        But in the end the drow saying "useless support".
                                                        I don't know but really in normal skill bracket support is only slave I think.....
                                                        Somehow I still always pick support with 4th or last pick because 90% 4 others is carry....

                                                        Just sharing my feeling....

                                                        lm ao

                                                          yes pinoys are just horribly rude uncultured brats