General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I find a team?

How can I find a team? in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I was wondering where I can find a Dota 2 team that's already doing tournaments.

    As of right now I am in the top 96th percentile in the Achievement section. 111.7k out of 3 million. (I'd like to hope that means something)
    I have 3500 hours with Dota 2, and I started all the way from 1200 MMR now at 3k.
    I can carry well and play support well.

    So if anyone has any help they can give me I'd really appreciate it thanks!

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      being top N percentile on X hero in dotabuff ranking means nothing, ur mmr is the only thing to care about in these terms. you either play with your fiends, or use forums to find an existing team. besides dotabuff, you can try reddit.

      steamcommunity forums are too much of a garbage, joindota forums are decent but mostly for 5-6k players looking for teams, stuff like ugc/ad2l have too low amount of players visiting them.

      avoid telling smthng like "i can play a great [insert_role_here], or "mmr doesnt matter", cz its a turn off sign for basically everyone who's looking for players. be short, clear and objective. dont forget to mention the languages that u speak, and the srvers u can afford playing on.

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        i think i ard same mmr with u , from vhs slightly drop to hs now ... i play in SEA , add me and see if we can cooperate well :D , just a solo player here ... not doing tournament

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          @triplesteal but MMR isn't even fair most of the times with Dota 2. How can people judge a players skill by MMR. Dota 2 puts in you match up sometimes where its 4v5 3v5. Or you're doing good but your team feeds. Some people have it lucky and have better team match ups. If I make a surf and get into 5k 6k how is that even saying I am good? Wouldn't teams like to see where I started and where I am now vs how high my rank is? I'm just thinking it's rather ridiculous to say my MMR is my skill level, when I can play with players that are 4-5 k and still beat them.

          lm ao

            having friends helps

            e: oh nvm

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              ^ If only that's the majority of your games.


                you wont get 5-6k on ur smurf in the next ~2000 hours of playing dota

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                  in longrun everyone gets feeders in equal share of their games and they barely have any effect on your mmr, cz u get them both on your side and against you. u can lose/win several games in a row, but in the end it wont make u 1k lower or higher than u deserve.

                  no one cares where u started, and ur current skill is the only thing interesteting to those ones who might invite you.

                  neither ppl care about ur thoughts that u can beat ppl in higher rating. if you have low mmr, it means that on average u perform worse, and ur average performance is your real skill.

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                    I'm saying when you get the 10 matches to place you in your rank. That's what people do, they make smurfs to get placed into a higher MMR, but what I'm saying how is that determining your skill level!?! My rank is even higher than yours and I have less matches played and a lower MMR, so where is skill determined?

                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                      for your info, achievemnts MEAN NOTHIGN no1 cares about this, its just a feature for fun on dotabuff

                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        you can even have 6000 points in 200 mmr


                          i thought that you refer to mmr when using the word "rank", but apparently i was wrong. what is rank then?

                          your mmr is not the mmr you got on a smurf, its the mmr u have on your main where u played at least 300-400 matches. and even then, smurfing might be broken but u wont calibrate at 5k when being a 3k player originally, no matter what u do.

                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                            As of right now I am in the top 96th percentile in the Achievement section. 111.7k out of 3 million. (I'd like to hope that means something)

                            thats what hes talking about

                            lm ao

                              predict mmr plis


                                these rankings are pretty meaningless, particularly if you are not in the top100.

                                lm ao

                                  ok then go with such belief that these things youve mentioned are significantly relevant i will slit my dogs neck if i see u swinging for the biggest fences