Lolololololololololol 43% winrate flamer lololololololololololololol id bet 100 % of the times you "lose" is because of teammates lolololololoololololololol
^ you don't know the history on this guy where shitposting on his thread makes it feel sooooo appropriately good
Rainbow six is fun if u have friends to play with,
if youre goin to play it more serious pls tell me some strats im bronze:d
*for this game u actually need a high end pc (my gtx 980 ti gets 30 fps at max settings at 4k)
Look at my matches and see whose fault It is for my %43 win rate.
Fucking dogshit player If you're going to talk shit about me at least be high skill ffs
+Party I have a notebook with 950m I can probably play that in low settings or medium.
But Im not sure If I want to play rainbow six
eat your 43% winrate real good fukn community cancer lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololol yeah keep blaming others and bat a blind eye on your self lolololololololololololololololololololololololol you just perfectly get what you deserve
and talk more ratshit player. I AM high skill. now eat your 43% winrate some more lololololololololololololololololololololol
I see now. You're in low priority. I say if your username speaks well enough of your in-game behavior then you rightfully deserve to be dug in deep into the trench with shit teammates like you claim them to be lololololololololol.
Just dont buy hitman (I had 3 hours to play until I got the 2 tutorials and the 1 misson completed, that was called "story" I could buy more missions but that costs 38 € and the game is 12 € so...
high skill players flaming normal skill players lmfao
all of you are horrible
Well, there's Blade n Soul
i was kinda hyped for this game as well but it's not really good. pve is basically nonexistant, it's just boring shit and mindless taking quests until you get max lvl so you can start pvping and even then it's not really fun whatsoever
the pvp is really elaborate but nothing else in that game really matters or catches your eye. aion is still best mmo i've ever played until 3.0 and other stupid shit came and ruined it
guild wars is actually pretty good
this game can be really fun too but in the end of the day it gets just to grinding dungeons (which takes mostly like 10 mins to complete one so you can be searching party for longer than doing the dungeon) or world bosses and spending a fuckton of time so you can craft the gear and grind stupid achievement points so people will take you to top dungeons (regardless of how good you are, if you didn't grind your hundreds hours for these meaningless points you are viewed as a noob and you'll usually get instakicked from party once others see it). this game is pretty casualised too on the other hand and often it ends up being a fashion designer simulator
CSGO is alright, and the surf servers are cool to mess around on.
Have you tried SMITE? its wayyy more casual than dotes and you can learn all the heroes super fast in Arena Mode. Its also super easy to stomp even if you are playing support because supports arent just gold-deprived human sacrifices.
You can even make it to diamond rank without actually knowing what you're doing, proof:
I wasnt a huge fan of HoTs or LoL. The average player is ACTUALLY WORSE THAN A BOT but im sure the ranked mode is decent.
the grind for ascended armor (best gear in the game afair) was bearable and could be done in like a month or so, depending on how many parties to dungs you could find or how well you could sell and buy shit on trading post (big part of the game too) but i quit after i've found out that the dungeon rewards were nerfed to 1/3 of their previous amount which made it nearly impossible to get the gear in some normal time. and after you end up with top gear (ascended set with infusions, legendary weapon which takes like half year to craft lol), you realise that there's not much else to do in this game except repetetive events that are really fucking fun in beginning but once you see their patterns and do the same shit for 234 time everytime you run around, it gets dumb; or jumping puzzles and hunting for achievements
also i didn't want to buy expansion for full price of the game. fuck that.
and there's pvp where you'll win/lose without any communication or clue what to do until you're dragon ranked (highest pvp rank)
and wvw which might be fun but in the end, everything in the game just ends up as one of the ways (mostly needed if you want to do it in some normal amount of time) to craft your gear
my opinion might be biased tho because after i burned bridges between most of my friends i ended up with noone having to play with. i've never been in a guild, never did guild missions, team pvp etc.
if you decide to play i can give you some stuff and advices so you level up fast
If I'm a toxic inbred, what does that make PROFESSIONALFLAMER then? I normally do not flame anyone, in game or here in the forums but I won't be afraid to make the exception right now because he rightfully deserves all the flaming right now for all the despicable flaming he's done all this time lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
And talk about "everything that's wrong with this game", he just abandoned twice in a row ruining even LPQ games lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol I'm still looking for a worse namecall than a "toxic inbred"
And you, OP. how does it feel to be roundhouse kicked off your high horse? Lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
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Recommend me some solid non weaboo games Im planning on starting Guild Wars 2