General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill type

Skill type in General Discussion

    if you a pro player and creat new ID after 10 game you play in very high skill or not alway see normal skill in DOTABUFF?
    <sry for my bad eng>


      i found this link somewhere


        very nice tnQ


          normally you would go into vhs after 1-2 games


            if me after 50 game in normal bracket can i chang it to very high skill ? how ?


              yes, you can. you can do it by becoming a better player aka improving yourself.


                you think need very high KDA maybe upper 10 KDA to change bracket ?


                  no, if u get a higher kda in the same time being a shitty player, it wont help you at all.

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                    you are missunderstanding the whole concept. you wont get a higher bracket by suddenly making a decision like: "I'll focus on my KDA and HD since then." That's just not how it works. The system tracks how good you are as a player basing on multiple factors, and in order to get higher, you need to learn the game.

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                      tnQ very much

                      Fee Too Pee

                        if u already in normal skill the only way to VHS is play ranked to >3700 mmr good luck with that


                          Im right now getting close to 4k and vhs starts at 3,7k


                            i cr8 a new id n stomp for 3 games ... 4th game is in vhs .. then starting win lose , sometimes even lose few in a row n i still in vhs bracket