General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't understand dotabuff ranks

I don't understand dotabuff ranks in General Discussion

    ok so i give you run down i was rank 94% as LD then i played 1 normal skill game as him and my rank went down to 79% since that game 2 MONTH AGO i have played 30games and my rank has only gone back up to 89%.. also i have been going up mmr so that doesn't make a difference AND i have been winning with LD so can either a dotabuff staff explain or someone who has had the same issue

    Edit: my Division went down also and never went back up from platinum 9 to 5

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      ur division counts all the games (not LD only) you play, so if u want to improve ur division, u need to stop playing NMM completely.


        are you sure g?


          cause that means i need new friends 4Head EleGiggle


            infact i will do test i will play with friends on smurf and only play solo Q on main i will come back with results after at a month or so


              ye im 100% sure, division is not hero specific, but it updates only after u play a match with this hero. so, like, lets say you played 1 match with LD, and then u played 40 party games in shitty parties picking other heroes, so ur division score was slowly going down. however, your division on LD wont update untill u play a match with LD, and when you do, it will switch to your current division.

              sry, i suck in explanations.