General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is the reason why you lose most of your games

This is the reason why you lose most of your games in General Discussion
Swap Commends



      No support.


        I fucked up somewhere or randomed techies

        'Merica GuywithBeardedBallz

          Try to rush Mid 3 times......and fail 3 times in a row.

          Dire Wolf

            Mostly agree, however teams often do not play to their strengths as well, push when they should, farm when they should and avoid fights or whatever.


              Most of the time it's wrong draft and by extension the players you are matched with for picking them. Occasionally the draft will be fine and it will be down to misplays.


                The reason we lose most games is that Slavs dont play on cykaland servers plus there is no Iranian+Turk Server
                so eu west has to be the worst region ever


                  the amount of games you lose due to any external factor ~ quantity of games you won thanks to the same factor

                  the only thing that matter for your long time mmr progression is you.

                  Swap Commends

                    True,still the grow is slow.And ppl still have no clue what to pick.And yet the cry why they lose.


                      You can't go wrong with zeus
                      *rape face*

                      Meat Spinner

                        Why your every answer is so GG ? best u are man !




                            someone did a study and found they could correctly predict something like 70% of pub games from the draft


                              The drafting phase is very important to ensure a easier game for your team ....usually a better draft has more chance to win unless your team is full of braindead morons


                                If opnt have zeus od etc. Then pick tip.


                                  -no teamplay
                                  -no ganks
                                  -5 carry in team
                                  -underfarmed allies

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "someone did a study and found they could correctly predict something like 70% of pub games from the draft"

                                    Not surprised at all, hell you can probably predict most PRO games using the same method. Draft rules.


                                      support does carry :D


                                        Not buying enough shadow blades


                                          don't push after winning a team fight (go to push out other lanes or farm jungle).

                                          Why join, if abandon?

                                            Yea, I figured it was highly on drafting, but also about itemization too. Recently, as nature's prophet, I've highly favored necro 3 into manta into assault cuirass into desolator.

                                            I find that np is an objective maximizing hero.

                                            Then again there are heroes that aren't necessarily so extreme in speciality, so harder to itemize on them.

                                            Sometimes I feel like daedalus on some heroes simply because of technical most damage, sometimes I feel like dagon, veil, ethereal on like earth spirit, sometimes I feel like shadow blade on heroes that have high nuke or high auto attack.

                                            But when it comes to drafting, I think about not necessarily what hard counters the oppponent's hard carry, as if I even know, but what deals decent against their entire team, because we will have to eventually fight the entire team.

                                            So, let's say other team picked phantom assassin. I might pick riki. Ofcourse riki doesn't have mkb and probably won't farm mkb fast, but has that ult to escape, aoe damage, has invis to gank up to level 10, to turn tide around. Also, smoke screen prevents pa from using her spells, so it's a lockdown before bkb comes, while also silencing aoe so that other opponents are affected.

                                            Seems like in lower mmr, to raise mmr, you should more than not, have aoe, whether it's aoe cleave or aoe spell, or aoe disable.

                                            But if your attack is single target, your spell is single target, and you have no tankiness or escape, then you're screwed.