General Discussion

General DiscussionPopular opinion is that you are the deciding factor in your own games

Popular opinion is that you are the deciding factor in your own games in General Discussion

    Not when you have:

    A guy who randoms in ranked, initially getting Death Prophet and then rerandoming into Magnus, while the enemy pick OD.

    A guy who picks terrorblade and then tries to rush a radiance against a bristleback/mirana offlane.

    And a guy who picks bounty hunter to go with your undying offlane instead of the proposed necrophos, then proceeds to get nothing done, doesn't roam to help mid, dives the tier 1 tower when you don't have tombstone up against a spectre/treant protector so the treant protector can just tree armour the spectre while the bounty hunter dies to the spectre.

    In those types of games you really aren't the deciding factor.

    This was at the 3.4k level btw.

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      Fee Too Pee

        i have sniper pick in my last game WHEN MY TEAM HAVE ALREADY SPECTRE AND INVOKER , WHERE SNIPER FARM???????

        Venus, MBA

          Some games are just lost like that, especially when you have 2 carries that both just jungle the entire game for radiance/battle fury, and a Nature's prophet that cliff jungles a Midas. It's Everyman for himself in those games.


            some games can't be won, but some games can't be lost. people whine about the former and brag about the latter.

              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                At 3k there are games where you think "oh yeah okay this seems about right". Then there are games where it is as if the client has accidentally matched you with a bunch of lunatics who escaped from the mental aslyum and found a computer with the game of Dota open.