General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for tips to get to 2K mmr. Solo MMR: 1200.

Looking for tips to get to 2K mmr. Solo MMR: 1200. in General Discussion

    I was assigned with 1.5k MMR when I started off..but dropped to 900 in some time. (I started playing rank waayyyy too early). I have boosted to 1.2K in like 15 matches(That was some time back).For 50 matches I've been stagnant at 1200 because of 1:1 W/L ratio. Need help.


      choose a role to play, watch a lot of replays and commentaries, learn what you are doing wrong (literally everything in your case)

      Синячий патруль

        Die less, kill more

        Синячий патруль

          Solokillers rule on this mmr, so pick slark and win da gamez


            be me and drop from 4.7


              Create a new account. You need 130 games to get 50 trophy level. After you reach 50 trophy lvl you will calibrate your mmr. Always check your dotabuff after a game, and try to analyze your last game. Try to have a good KDA ( Kill-death-Assist ). Try to have a good HD ( Hero damage ). If you play good enough or just above average you will have High skill which means your mmr will be 3.2k+, If you play out of your mind and got insane KDA in few games like ( 20-1 ) you will be moved Very high skill bracket which means your mmr will be 3.8k+. Don't aim for 2k. It's shit, aim at least 3k. Watch replay, watch major, tournaments, pro players you will learn more. To be honest having 900 mmr is deep shit and sounds really fucked up. Just a create new account and START ALL OVER AGAIN! YOU CAN DO THAT SHIT. I just calibrated my new account i got 3999k mmr xD. It's not insane good, but not a bad at all.


                You cant just "climb" mmr. Mmr does not really depend on win or lose(lt depends actually but I mean another thing). MMR system puts you into SKILL bracket which at this moment of time you belong to. So if you play as pro you will easily get to 6k mmr with lets say 80% win rate. If you want higher mmr games(which means higher quality games) at first you want to improve yourself as a player, your own skill and understanding of the game. Honestly, when I played with bots(to practise Tinker) I noticed that bots are actually BETTER at understanding of the game than 3k player. Try to play bot matches(with bots in both teams) and watch them. You will improve a lot. The better you become the higher mmr u get into. Dont focus on winning, its distracting. Focus on YOUR(not your teammates, never argue and never shittalk) play and try to fix your mistakes and get better. The victory will come itself. As previously was recommended I advise you to create a new account to play normal games. After every game(it doesnt matter you won or lost) watch replay and try to find your mistakes, If you do this you will never do those mistakes again. I also recommend you Purge's dota 2 guide. I calibrated this acc to 4600+ a month ago and it was pretty easy. U can do it too! Just improve yourself, beleive in yourself, be self confident. Good luck!

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                  Here some simple tips that helped me when i was <2k mmr (now i`m 4k) Sorry for my english :D Я просто говорю по-русски вообще.

                  Do not random hero ever in ranked. If you want to - just do that in public mm.

                  Do not try to learn every hero - there are simply too many of them. Even the best players do not learned them all.
                  Create a pool of heroes you play, it not necessarily need to be big, you even can spam one hero, playing him better and better, - that really works.(Badman 8k spam spectre. I spam Invoker, climbing up my mmr) my advice for it: heroes in your pool must be mid or carry( but you must have at least one hero of each role in your pool), and can do much impact by themselves, they must be maximally independent of your teammates. For example: Invoker, Spectre, Slark.

                  Always carry a tp scroll(you can just press f8 several times when you see you are dying), when tping to lane buy 2 tp, not one, and don`t forget about actually tpouting. That hint will save you a lot of times.

                  Farm. Always farm. If you don`t know what to do - farm. Always try to lasthit a tower, thats a free 100-200 gold(about towers: i remember, when i was <2k, no one(even me) knew that towers can be denied. So remember: if tower is 10% hp or less - you can deny it. Do it always but tier3 and 4 towers.) After 10 min your target must be at least 80(better 90 or 100) creeps\10 mins. But don`t forget to tp for defend tower.

                  Every few seconds take a look on minimap, and try analyse it. Try to hold in your head dangers that can kill you and try to avoid them - "there is 4 min and two enemy supports are missing, its better to safely farm under ally tower", etc. I think you got it. Looking on minimap is very, VERY important (im 4k and still trying to learn that D:).

                  REMEMBER: you can NOT improve your teammates, you can ONLY improve YOURSELF. So NEVER blame or argue with them. I found, people <4k dont ever say something helpful, 90% of what they say is just stupid things( yes man, they dont right, farm a large wave of creeps with Invoker`s meteor - its normal. Use black hole/ravage/etc to kill one carry - normal, etc) so you even can mute 4 ppl, and that will be better then do stupid things that your teammates made you .

                  System of matchmaking works in way that in average, you will have skill of your teammates = enemy`s skill,(you will have matches when your team skill < enemy`s skill, and conversely, but in long perspective skill of your team=enemies skill) The only one variable is you, and if yours skill > skill of other people in match ( skill of people with yours mmr ), you will win, and your mmr will rise. ( IN LONG PERSPECTIVE(!) so you must play a lot. Dont think your mmr will rise in one moment, its nice to get 500 mmr/2months, remember this always, and you`ll never cry or waste your nerves ) Just remember this, and never try to teach your teammates if they are not asking you to.

                  And one more fact: Sumail played 10 matches/day for 5 years before Universe spotted him in pub and invited to EG. So keep improving yourself and never surrender or stop. Do not listen to all that people saying "if you are 1500 mmr, you will never get 2\3\4\5\6k, delete Dota. I walked that road from <2k to 4k, I know what i say.

                  Well maybe I could write more, but there is 23:30 in Kiev and night slowly turning my brains off so sorry about that :D

                  I think if you do all that I have just written perfectly, you`ll get 3-4k, and maybe more. I still do not do all that perfectly, and I`m 4k already. So, Good Luck & Have Fun :)

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                  Holy Roman Empire

                    Pick omni

                    Holy Roman Empire

                      And the Kiev has actually really good tips


                        sick advice fireonik.


                          here the fastest solution ..... u can hv 6k acc in just 1 day .. kappa , 3k noob here... stuck for a month, aiming 4.5k .. target reach in no day with noob + spoiler... n now i enjoy game with smurf acc, it just a game dude..

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                            Thank u so much guys. Helped a lot. Special mention to @fireoink.