Spirit breaker - no bkb no bm - lose,
Crystam Maiden - you got 14 kills that could belong to sniper or naix, what a shame. Anyway bad luck,
Crystal Maiden - you couldnt do anything agaisnt such lineup,
Lion - again, you are a support and u r having 10 kills? what a shame. For aall those kills u got nothing in ur inventory, that means a waste,
Witch doctor - longer game stands, lower chancce to win you get agaisnt such enemies. Duration was almsot 1h, u should finish it till 30-40.
It's not really a game that I could give the carry the kill, it's a bit tense in that Lion game. I went with Life stealer top against Viper and Skywrath Mage... really hard
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Except the 2 game with CM. The worst is of course Crystal Maiden 2-15 score one, that's me play so bad.. That's a terrible game for me. Actually I've just tried to play CM to insert her in my hero pool. But I dunno guys, I feel so sad having losing streak.