General Discussion

General DiscussionDoto Spring Cleaning update has arrived!

Doto Spring Cleaning update has arrived! in General Discussion
Bad Intentions



    To add, it's 1.5GB guise, will be in live client end of week :]

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    U are all dogshit

      Neutral spawn box visible SeemsGood

      U are all dogshit

        They oversimplifying and turning this game into leaj of lejends

        U are all dogshit

          Seems really good imho :P

          < blank >

            tl;dr Not a patch for heroes

            the realm's delight

              wtff f f f theyagbg


                One big step towards of Dota becoming LoL
                Like seriously they are making dota way too easy

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                < blank >

                  6.87 after Major then GG


                    nothing changes, just much help tools for noobs


                      I thought the tower thing was intended and why no more X, how the fuck do I tell noobs not to dive or gank solo killers.


                        Lots of little fixes, too, this was needed.


                          just got a 82 MB update, wut?

                          the realm's delight

                            they are making dota way too easy

                            the game is at its most complex state rn


                              Neutral spawn box visible

                              ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? why the fuck??


                                Tower Attack Range and Target Indicator

                                what the fuck????


                                  so that you don't ward there i guess


                                    that's pretty helpful but i thought it was on purpose

                                    D the Superior
                                      Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                        I dont like the neutral warding boxes cos it will be ezier for noobs, or people lacking game knowledge to deward, and not blockin their own camp.

                                        Tower range is ok, it doesnt change anything imo.

                                        Camera Group Control Hotkey - Well this is a huge improvement for players that dont use binds or scripts for that, and have to manually click on the map. I like it.

                                        I dont like the arrow thing tbh.

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                                          so that you don't ward there i guess

                                          yeah how about we make xp and gold graphs visible?
                                          or give free vision on whole map and automatic pings if there's an enemy hero closing to your position?
                                          maybe we could also see what opponents have in quickbuy and have an extra key to see their perspective

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                                            this is shit update. no heroes notes ? srsly?




                                                Mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down, mouse3 as hotkeys, individual hero specific hot keys, wohooo....really nice.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  just got a 82 MB update, wut?

                                                  Is it end of the week already?

                                                  The neutral spawn boxes are not really intuitive, so it's a nice QoL improvement along with the others.

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                                                    No OD nerves and Strom spirit buffs well not my kinda patch

                                                    Don Pierro

                                                      igaf niggaaaaaaaaaaaa


                                                        OP how do you know the size of the updates?

                                                        Swap Commends

                                                          Patch for noobs
                                                          Funny is I don't think its gonna help the retarded part of community :))

                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                            Here we go again with elitists that only see the bad in just about every update...


                                                              i dislike it cz the things i had to learn by myself throughout a long period of time are now useless and available to everyone, which makes my effort senseless. kinda egoistic pov, ik, but still.


                                                                next patch:
                                                                - enemy gold is now visible
                                                                - enemy skill cooldown is now visible
                                                                - enemy buyback status is now visible
                                                                - invisible enemy is now visible (rip riki)
                                                                - enemy in fog is now visible even when under smoke
                                                                - whenever natures prophet tps in, during the 3 second cast time the system will auto spam ping on the location he tps
                                                                - enemy hero disable duration is now visible
                                                                - roshan pit is now visible to everyone
                                                                - lion's hex now turns enemy hero into a light blue frosty frog
                                                                - dota now has a forfeit option
                                                                - wd's heal rescaled from 4/8/12/16 to 20/40/60/100
                                                                - at X:53 the timer will blink and all neutral camps will automatically come out
                                                                - lane creeps will head to small camps automatically, then med camp, then large camp, then ancients, then roshan

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                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                  fcking easy mode activated !!!


                                                                    so od getting hammered into face and storm spirit brought back to glory next week?

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      omg noob patch WutFace
                                                                      now my exclusive pro knowledge of camp spawn boxes is known to noobs SeemsGood
                                                                      now 2ks won't be noob and 6ks will be less pro bcuz spawn boxes and tower range are a big deal bruh SeemsGood
                                                                      it's not like you can spend an hour watching videos about this stuff and know as much as any 6k player does SeemsGood
                                                                      I will now proceed to whine about stuff that's actually dependant on skill and game knowledge belong exposed in a similar fashion to make my point look more solid SeemsGood
                                                                      valve ruined dota - first one big shop(like on lol!!!) now dis FailFish
                                                                      gg no love for TrUe_HaRdCoRe_DeNdI_PrO_SkIlL players liek me BrokeBack

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        I found out about this update a minute after it came out, I should of made a thread, stole me and Salza's glory! gerjibgkjberjlgbkrergjabr!

                                                                        I LOVE the camera control groups change. Juggernaut also got a buff, omni slash is no longer effected by damage block(shield and vanguards items) apparently it was affected by them unintentionally, so omni slash gonna be better early game against stout/PMS users.

                                                                        But honestly I don't like the tower range indicator, as well as the spawn box one, I took pride in knowing that I did the research to get that advantage over these noobs, now they have access to it, like it's nothing, definitely lowered the skill cap by Dota slightly, those two changes are a HUGE deal. (not saying dota is an ez game though, not at all)


                                                                          Really don't like the spawn camp and tower indicators. All the work I put into learning these things just went out the window.

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            There is nothing wrong with these indicators, you put in lot of work, but this way everyone can put same amount of work and practice, hence skill level will change, if you are good enough nothing will change, don't be mad about it. Maybe it is not so much important, you have all the time in the world to place ward correctly and in the end it is all about feeling. Wether it is hitbox, range indicator or whatever, it is just part of game. Even so some parts of game are so broken, or are constantly changing, what is problem with range indicator to be there for everyone to see them. It is not like you have 3000 wards at beginning of game. Strategy will change or something...

                                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                                              Learning curve dropped slightly, whatever way you want to put it, no more am I going to have to worry about walking into tower ranger in accident, and I can calculate my dives more.


                                                                                btw all the decent players always used camera control groups, but they were possible to set only through console

                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  Finally some sets for Tinker, Bane and NS

                                                                                  You need to press ALT to see the spawnboxes as i understood
                                                                                  Noobs wont press ALT to see some boxes i'll guarantee it


                                                                                    "pros" getting pissed because because "noobs" can no longer be taken advantage of, kewl.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      eh you're supposed to know that shit anyway, whatever. I just wish all the spells had range indicators like terror blade's Q says in tooltip the range but you can't see what it is by hovering, I miss it all the time. Other skills show the range. Other skills don't like the range in tooltip. It's not consistent.

                                                                                      > Whoops

                                                                                        Tower range/target indicator? LoL, is that you? This game is so shieet.

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          What is thos with all the LoL-DoTA comparison honestly it would yake at least 9 patches of murder in this velocity before you can say so.

                                                                                          Also I like the new indicators at the very least noobs wont have a hard time catching up

                                                                                          M . A . Y

                                                                                            Ok can someone please explain me how the camera control works? Because when I press "control+key" in a map location, DotA assigns that key to the unit I was selecting rather than that map location


                                                                                              I don't get the complains about the game getting easier. For everyone above 3k, the changes are common knowledge. So its just for players new to the game.

                                                                                              I started with dota 1 and getting the knowledge about all these things was difficult. We relied on guides on Its not like I ever experimented where spawnboxes begin/end...

                                                                                              waku waku

                                                                                                triple-senpai explained it - makes feel like all the time you spent learning all of this by yourself feel wasted. but that's not necessarily the best way to look at it, really


                                                                                                  Happy to see little nerfs to invoker and enchantres :D


                                                                                                    Bout time they put some of that into the game. Will help noobs be a little less noobish and maybe see a difference in gameplay here and there. Maybe not by much, but there is less excuses now for noobs with all the extra help. Those who can be arsed to learn to use these new features will benefit the most and hopefully in return benefit team mates.

                                                                                                    But there always be that group of people that don't give a fuck and just do their own thing anyway.

                                                                                                    So 4K+ guys you don't need any changes apart from some hero changes. So this wont affect those who aren't below 3k technically.

                                                                                                    little nerfs to invoke and en???

                                                                                                    Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...

                                                                                                      OSfrog Tower and Neutral Indicators OSfrog Please disable those 2 on Rank Matches and Pro Games ...Its too much simplicity...too many updates and Gaben havent fix trade problems FailFish FailFish...FailFish


                                                                                                        The update its pretty good in my opinion, a strong quality of life improvement, the game is complex and it's absolutely not comparable to league of legends