Everyone got caught? Smoke ganked? Out of position? - Run for ur life I guess, every man for himself or go split push and then TP base.
the only way to prevent those things is to not be in that position, a.k.a look at the map more, and watch the replay to see where they actually were at that time. I am pretty strongly convinced that this is one of the major things holding be back at the moment.
Be Abaddon. Run in and save the out of position carry that our game rides on. Also make it out cause of ult.
My motto: If youre gonna die, get as much damage off to the enemies as you can.
Side note, given that Im 1.2k, I can usually juke around fairly easy and if I have a tp, no problemo. If its a 1v3 or 1v5 type of deal, just spam as much as you can and try to take one out with you... (probably why Im 1k tho) lol
Depends on my hero / team how badly it's going and how good I am playing lol .like last night I was tired and tilting hard so I woulda just ran in and instantly died lol.
I think the situation is very different depending on your hero, items, stage of the game, map position vs lanes being pushed... etc.
There may only be a fraction of a second to decide, but you have to either try to get done what you can or focus on escaping.
Generally, if I am a support hero caught out of position I will try to make sure that any disables are cast and items activated before I die even though it's not likely to be a great use of those ablitilies. Something is better than nothing. If possible I will force enemies to chase me away from the team so they have to double back to catch another hero.
If I need to stay alive for some reason (like I have the gem and we are against moon light shadow) Then I focus on escape with the team.
If I have a big aoe ult, there might be a chance to turn the fight.
Sometimes it is really critical to stay alive as a an anti-push hero to prevent the loss from becoming a loss of rax.
If I am a core hero and the fight appears to be lost, then I just go for escape and hope a couple allies also survive.
One mistake I notice I tend to make is that I over-correct positioning. It is very hard for me to see it in real time as it happens. But watching replays of teamfights I see that I will retreat or advance too far losing opportunities to get in an extra attack, a stun that could have saved someone or preventing an escaping enemy from surviing. If I start to attack I tend to go a bit to far forward. This can carry me out of position and provide the opportunity for allies to counter attack me.
In the smoke gank scenario, I often see people make that same kind of mistake where they could have helped an ally escape or maybe even turned the fight if they had not gone all in for RUN!!! and PANIC!! but had instead looked at the fight develop even as they were backing away for opportunities.
^yo relentless, glad ur back man :D
good points man, sometimes these so called out of position fights can be turned around.
First instinct?
If I'm being focused? Unless I'm WK or Abaddon or have Aeigis, RUN / Force / Blink, reposition, and see below:
If my allies are? Time to fight if in the time it takes for me to reach my allies, they are still alive.
If I have a save or stun...I save the ally they are focusing or stun the enemies around him.
If I have a skill whose effect grows stronger if teamfight lasts longer (DP, Sven, Lich, CK, Shaman ults, NEcro tombstone, Invo's spell arsenal, or a radiance on WK / Spectre / Lifestealer / Viper) or I am the perfect bait / distraction (Axe / Pudge / Slardar / Centaur / Slark / Morphling / Weaver / Puck / Bara / Tusk / VS) it's definitely time to counterattack. No fear of death is allowed!
If I have a big ult (Medusa / Silencer / LC / Weaver / Tide / FV / Zeus / Naga / Jugg / Luna / Lina / PL / Nyx) where only correct usage will repel the bulk of their damage, then I wait for the enemy to commit full resources, and then I counter.
Don't enter unless you can guarantee to kill one or two. If not, just hide and safely tp to your base.
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How do usually handle this scenario? everyone got caught, smoked ganked, classic one by one rescue or just basically out of position. What is your first instinct and thought process? Kindly share your thoughts and improvements pls.