General Discussion

General DiscussionWill 6.87 be released at the end of the month?

Will 6.87 be released at the end of the month? in General Discussion

    The battlepass ends at the end of the month and manilla coming up soon also.

    I believe the new patch will come at the end of March?

    This patch is getting boring now and it has really made the game worse in terms of those who couldn't adapt to the changes.

    What you think?

    Dire Wolf

      I'm not bored.


        I thought the battlepass would end AFTER next major not before next major. You sure it's at the end of this month?

        May or may not be a good patch next. Many things of this patch and heroes that are good don't really bother players in my bracket too much. Going with the meta is probably a little more important for the pros. Also I don't want spectre to get nerf, me likey likey so muchy muchy.

        you all cant carry me

          Maybe there will be small changes well who knows OSfrog

          Dire Wolf

            idk if anyone really wants big nerfs, if you just revert a couple nerfs on troll, sniper, storm, leshrac and bloodseeker I think we'd see a lot of competition in the meta. Not fully revert them but maybe halfway or something. Cus od and spectre and invoker will still rock, but those other guys will be decent again.


              I still enjoy this patch

              General MAKAO

                OD???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! nerf please


                  Patch is alright in terms of variety, heroes like OD and Invoker have gotten massive buffs that skyrocketed them into the meta, while for the past few patches they were situational picks at best which in my opinion freshens up the game. What is the point of having 111 heroes in Dota if they don't change things up to actually make them competitively playable from time to time. The real problem lies in the buffs themselves, they're very poorly thought out and extremelly excessive for the most part. Having an orb which steals 5 intelligence which then is converted into damage with every hit, is absurdly overpowered, giving a hero an extra level, better stats scaling which gives them 4.0 intelligence per level meaning +4 damage each level, a higher mana pool, higher mana regeneration while at the same time leveling up your stats which also benefit your skills (Quas, Wex, Exort) gives extra damage and mana as well, while also increasing the damage of Invoker's actual abilities just screams IMBA. Heroes have to be rescaled to a more "down to earth" level in the next patch, no huge changes need to be made...

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Patch is alright in terms of variety you say? This is the first patch in awhile where ALOT of the cast is actually playable, in pubs, and competitive. I laughed my ass off seeing even 6.86 Riki being picked in a pro game. (he was useless and never picked again, but hey)


                      Who was picking OD, Invoker, Enchantress, Void, Ember and such pre 6.86, 6.85.. Nobody, because the heroes weren't recognized as meta or powerful enough so now we're seeing those heroes get picked over other one's which makes the pro scene various, can you imagine every patch being just tweaks and giggles and seeing the same picks and bans over and over and over again? Earth Spirit is fucking OP but they still let him into CM at this broken state so that's also good, just rescale the heroes, patch is great for variety.

                      Dire Wolf

                        right that's kind of my point there's a ton of bitching about invoker and OD, but you can still beat them picking regular, old meta mids in pubs for like 90% of players. Sure 5k you are stuck, but 3k? You can pick almost whatever. In 6.84 or whatever it was, whichever team had sniper and/or troll won every game. Same with the bloodseeker meta. Stupid, stupid shit.

                        I'm pretty happy cus dk is good, ck is fine aside from his massive counters, spectre's good, wraith king is good, medusa is good, lifestealer is ok, necro is good, I've even ran some bb offlane just fine.




                            Variety? What the fuck are you smoking? Spectre, Invoker, Omni, OD, Ench, Ursa, Zeus every single game without fail.

                            > This is the first patch in awhile where ALOT of the cast is actually playable, in pubs, and competitive.

                            This is the first patch since 6.83 where basically no heroes are playable except top 20.


                              6.84 last year wasn't until the first week of May. The manila Major's qualifiers are at the beginning of May (open qualifiers start 29 april to 2 May and proper qualifiers 2 May to 6 May). Could be that they either roll out the patch just before the qualifiers - ie Thursday April 21 or 28 or wait till they are done ie Thursday 12 May.


                                But don't they let the pros get used to the new patch before big tourneys? It's like the last major, the patch was released a good month or more before the Shanghai?


                                  They need to buff sniper. Maybe make headshot 40% chance to stun. Increase his attack rage by 250 and change his 3rd skill to something else. Continous attack on same target will increase your attack speed and damage by 15


                                    I think this patch is very good, but I'm always excited about new dota patches !

                                    Also Pitlord soon next patch? :)


                                      The "big tourney" of 6.87 will be TI6. The manila Major will be a trial run where they practice figuring out which are the next OP meta heroes. I think that Venomancer will be buffed in a big way.

                                      I suspect it will be something like increasing the HP and attack damage of his wards, or maybe applying the poison sting in full. It is the only skill of his which hasn't been buffed recently and since he is still completely ignored in competitive it will be what he needs to be buffed to be catapulted into the meta. Eg imagine if the wards are buffed by 25%. They go from:

                                      75/200/325/450 hp to 112.5/250/406.25/562.5 hp and
                                      10/19/29/38 attack to 12.5/23.75/36.25/47.5 damage

                                      Which is still very manageable by hyperfarmed Sven etc in the lategame, but provide him a massive early game buff and still help him scale marginally better into the lategame than what he currently is.

                                      Brief reminder of his recent "buffs":

                                      6.86 - marginally improved cooldown on venomous gale on each level.

                                      6.85 - increased damage on poison sting (bytotal +7, 20, 39, 64) and illusions now apply the effect. Also increased damage of poison nova (432 to 480, 812 to 880, 1215 to 1280), and buffed the damage which aghs provides (812 to 960, 1215 to 1360, 1728 to 1760).

                                      6.84 - increased venomous gale damage by 50 at all levels.

                                      6.82 - poison nova applies on spell immune enemies so it starts dealing the damage to them once they are no longer spell immune.

                                      He also might get the small agility buff treatment which some other agility heroes have gained recently (Viper, Clinkz, Mirana, Venge), eg an increase from 2.6 per level to 3 per level which would increase his total agility by 10 at level 25 meaning 10 more damage and 1.3~ more armour.

                                      Alternatively he will get some other ridiculous marginal tiny buff (like slightly more damage buff to venomous gale like +5 per damage tick so increase damage by 25 at all levels) and be completely ignored for another 6 months. This seems like the kind of thing he would do. Icefrog loves buffing carries to be the most OPest shit in the world but will never do the same for supports and as soon as they appear to be developing any sort of popularity (winter wyvern) he gives them a nerf which makes them so pointless and unplayable they might as well just be removed from the game. At Shanghai people were literally running in to the wyvern ultimate so they wouldn't take any damage from the rest of the enemy team.

                                        Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                          this patch's fine. people pick "meta heroes" cos pros pick them, it does not mean those heroes are OP.

                                            Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                              yes plz volvo faster or we reported u


                                                i actually like this patch xD i like playing od and invo, waited years for od, imo only downside of this patch is the existence of arc warden and sf and storm not viable
                                                fuck ench tho


                                                  1. was funny to read that guys comment whom had picked specter in 75% of his games about How great specter is and she don't need any nerf XD
                                                  2. we all waited for od to be playable again , but srsly wtf ... not like this and not like old days , sth between . he need nerf

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Venomancer - successive applications of poison sting now stack instead of refreshing duration =0

                                                    That would be like the most op shit in the world.

                                                    Westbrook (Prime)

                                                      They should buff riki :v i mean he's so weak that he is not drafted in competitive games.