General Discussion

General DiscussionYou did your best, but will your best be gud enuf?

You did your best, but will your best be gud enuf? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Doto is a team game. Its won by the better team. Do you have those instances that you really made an individual great impact but alas the game is still lost? What does it make u feel bout dotes? Would u rather have that impact spread out in the team? How do you do that nowadays?

    Or do the lone wolf style of carrying all the impact game by game and hopefully it will lead to victory?

    Kindly share your thoughts pls.

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      A lone wolf can carry a game. As long as he can maintain a steady farm, he'll eventually carry the game.

      I remember one of my game when we left a PL farm coz we're too busy on pushing. We're so ahead thay we think we can end th game.


      PL make a strong comeback and we lost.


        1v5 is possible only if there is no late-game counter. Usually, that means the enemy made a mistake in drafting or execution.

        Losing to 1v5 is awful because the losing side usually held the advantage for much of the game. Quite often, there is a regret of "if only we hadn't lost X fight, he wouldn't have escaped with 30 HP and a triple kill to snowball..."
        I hate being forced to 1v5 because I play too risky for that playstyle. I'd rather be the second carry who ganks at L6 with the supports while the primary carry farms. For most of the game, the enemy fears me and tries to counter-item / gank me and instead of playing "safe" build (HP / BKB / utility), I build to strengthen my ganking power (and bait out enemy ults and counter items). Safe (purely defensive) item is only necessary if the enemy carry (usually Invoker or OD, but also Tiny and LUna mid-game and Sven late-game) can counter-kill me 1v1 if I fail my gank. By the time the enemy has finally countered me, my primary carry should be farmed enough to teamwipe them after I feed my killing streak. The best way to achieve this style is to have 2 carries and 2+ (counter)initiators so any member of the team can start (or stop) a teamfight. This allows us to take risks while attacking because the enemy must either attack with perfect precision or their counterattacks will be met by our stronger initiation or disengage.

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        ROAD TO HERALD 0

          I agree dota is inherently a team game, and like most team games, a team is only as strong as its weakest link (aka player).

          So I ensure i do my best not to be that weak link, or to be the strongest weak link possible, i.e by understanding and executing efficiently the roles I play, whether it's as a support, carry, etc.

          In terms of game impact, i'd rather it be spread out evenly amongst the team - in theory, the team with more high-impact players usually wins, compared to another team with 1 or 2 players carrying and the rest not doing enough.

          To me, losing doesnt matter very much as long as i know had high impact in the game.

          This probably is old news, but I think if you play well consistently, especially in solo queue, you will climb because the matchmaking system doesnt always stick you with sub-par players. By winning the games which are close and stomping the easy games, a net increase in win rate or mmr is very much possible.


            I feel like picking a carry hero is way better than pick mid hero to win 1v5 game, most of mid heroes can make a lot of impact in the game, but you can be beaten by their carry if your carry can't farm properly. Even OD can be defeated at late game. that's why playing as carry is the best choice.

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              ^ mid doesnt necessarily mean 1v5.

              my impression of the current mid meta is that it favours tempo-making and controlling cores like invoker, od, zeus, etc.

              I.e the hero which wins mid usually wins the game, because winning mid often enables your team to secure other objectives (enemy jungle, roshan, etc.) and dictate the tempo of the game.

              So in the games where im playing mid, I'd try to dominate the lane in the first 10 min, rotate if necessary to counter-initiate, then try to get a push going on the mid or enemy safe lane tier 1 tower, so I (or other teammates) can invade the enemy jungle to pressure the enemy carry, and secure space for my own team carry. Works for me so far (mostly).

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                either im ok with it or i blame myself for doing some stupid things that wouldnt matter if my teammates wouldnt have 10 deaths by 20 mins but this way they do since im 1v5ing


                  sometimes it doesnt work but yea you can carry a game 1v9


                    you can win 1v5, its unlikely but it can happen