General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i play a farming offlaner properly

how do i play a farming offlaner properly in General Discussion

    i can play the conventional offlaners where i just chill and just get exp then roam around when u get 6 like clockwerk, earth spirit, and timber, but i dunno how to play these farming offlaners like NP and LD

    usually when i 5 stack with my friends i play the offlane, so i wanted to try NP. however i have a bad history with the hero (7-27 all time score) because back then when i tried to offlane with him i couldnt get much out of my lane, and i become a creep that can be anywhere in the map

    so here i just wanna ask how to play farming offlaners and also specific tips for NP in general


      You can resort to the new jungle camp beside you if you're having a hard time or you can use your summons and redirect the enemy creeps to your place safely or ar least to disrupt the creep equilibrium.


        get boots. get regen. actually last hit and aggro pull, level up your teleport first and if the lane is too risky go to a side camp and just leave the lane be. If they don't have more than one stun to shutdown you I'd suggest stay on it though

        if you're a goddamn NP you can just do any jungle you want both enemy and allied; or just stay on your toes to teleport and do a kill on the other offlaner