General Discussion

General Discussion6.87

6.87 in General Discussion
Execute Order 322


    Pale Mannie



        Anytime soon

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Let me call Ali and Gabe, maybe Bruno as well.

          Low Expectations

            whats wrong with 6.86?

            Execute Order 322

              This patch's been staying around 4 2 long, hungry for some new meta

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              Livin' Real Good

                I just realized how much I hate Spectre, and how she can be any place in an instant, so it's even hard to gank supports sometimes, cause you know, everytime you go in, it's probably gonna be a 2v1 if you don't kill the support before Spectre haunts in. (especially hard if Dazzle gets grave off before she dies, or Omni just being hard as fuck to gank) Can't wait till Spectre's time has pass.

                So I learned, as much as I love Tinker, I wouldn't want a Tinker meta where he'd be EVERYWHERE at once, and OP.

                Natures profit I don't mind, most people are just AFK jungle trash with him, but heroes that can just be anywhere at once, no thanks! >.>

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