General Discussion

General DiscussionBrewmaster

Brewmaster in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    when is he a good pick? considering his damage output mid-late is not great on its own

    any tips to play him and those primal and all too thanks


      Blink dagger early game, spirits I use like phoenixes ulti but only when i'm low and the enemy is low.


        He gets outclassed by osfrog shit and wave clear

        K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

          I use SILVER EDGE + his ability crit = huge dmg to enemy
          aswell i dont use his ulti only in team fight (with teammates) or sometimes to run away (with low hp)
          ps: im not pro just to tell u it's ez way to deal dmg and get kills


            This hero's useless until they increase ulti duration. Stat gain is decent, thankfully.

              Этот комментарий удален модератором
              Dune, the Desert Planet

                ^ if you can't say something useful it's better not to say anything.

                - Panda is very mana starved early on. You don't have enough mana for TP, Clap and Split. Manage your mana and use Bottle and Wand properly.

                - First Split of the game is very important. Use it to kill crucial target e.g. mid or carry.

                - Earth and Storm are control and utility spirits, Fire is DPS.

                - Earth and Fire should focus a single target. Storm should control another and use Dispel accordingly.

                - Earth can stun 3 times during level 1 Split and 4 times during level 2 and 3. Remember that CD is only 5 seconds. Stun the guy you want to kill or use it to interrupt channeling.

                - Storm can use Cyclon twice and Dispel 4 times during level 1 and 2 Split. During level 3 Split you can use Cyclone 3 times and Dispel 5 times.

                - Use Cyclone on enemy that you aren't focusing but can cause trouble, this will usually be enemy DPS core such as Lycan, WK, PA or annoying caster such as Dazzle, Omni, Abbadon. You can use Cyclone to stop channels. This is very strong spell because it lasts 6 seconds with CD of 8 meaning that you can remove one hero from a fight for 12 to 18 seconds.

                - Dispel has hudge range of usage, primary being to end your own Cyclone earlier. Usage of this spell separates bad and good Pandas. You can dispel Omni ulty (but not repel), Double Damage, Haste, MoM, Bloodlust, Flame Guard, Glimmer etc. You can also use it on allies to remove slows and silences and some DoT spells. You can Dispel dust from allies too. This spell has insane AoE and really low CD.

                - Storm also has Windwalk. While invisible he runs at 522 speed allowing you to catch enemies that are disengaging while Fire and Earth and rest of your team pound one guy. If using Split for a solo kill you can either spam WW and hit the guy with 100 bonus damage or send Storm somewhere so you find a target to Cyclone so you and your team can kill it later. This also separates bad and good Pandas.

                - Fire is DPS. He moves at max speed and has Immolation. Just hit people with him and remember that he's squishy as fuck having only 1200 HP and no armor.

                - When Split ends your Dagger will be off CD so you can chase or escape. You will also have guaranteed crit and dodge for one hit, use this to your advantage.

                - Power spikes of this hero are when he gets level 6, Blink Dagger, level 11, BKB and level 16. You get a massive power spike if you are snowballing and get an early Aghs or Radiance. Around 30 mins you begin to fall off.

                - Item wise: Shield and Mango early on with some regen. PT or Arcanes as footwear (I prefer PT), Bottle, Dagger. After that items become to branch out, Vlad's, BKB, Drums, Aghs, Gem are all valuable pick-ups. Luxury would be AC, Shiva's, Abysall, Hex and Refresher. If snowballing best choices are either Aghs or Radiance (hard to actually pull off).

                - Earth carries auras such as Vlad's, AC, Gem and Radiance. If he's dead they are moved to Storm and then to Fire.

                - Max Clap, then crit and beer last. Ulty on 6, 11 and 16.

                - You don't always need to do Blink - Clap - Split. Sometimes it's wiser to do instant Split after blinking in, e.g versus disablers when you don't have BKB.

                - Panda is heavily counted by BKB. High physical damage heroes such as Clinkz, TA and Drow can kill Fire and Storm really fast. Sven can kill an entire Split in few seconds.

                - Another heavy counter are silences. Sky, Silencer and Orchid carriers can cause big problems pre BKB. Silencer can use Global even after you split so he silences the spirits. If you initiate vs Silencer go for Blink and instant Split, if he uses panic Global during spirits formation time you can use Dispel to remove Silence from your teammates.

                Hope this helps, I'm a bit rusty on Panda but love the hero. Also he's not exactly the best pick in this patch.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  If u random brew just buy boots and orb of venom and roam the shit out of the opponent team....ez win until u relieaze their mid is OD then just abandon the game

                    Этот комментарий удален модератором
                    Livin' Real Good

                      Brew's a sick hero, try him next patch though, he's okay this patch, maybe try to learn him now abit in pubs, then play him next patch where I think he'll be better.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                        nice tips guys...?-_- thanks a lot for your time

                        im currently in normal skill and just trying to basically improve my microing skills with this hero and in general...problem is getting that solo mid right now to get max exp

                        problems ive encountered so far is inefficient micro of the splits....and reducing kill potential in mid-late game....also mana problems are very real thinking of throwing in a basi ring in the build somewhere

                        the splits are very good in the early game but they really drop off and brew himself..

                        ?-_- the build that im looking at right now is

                        stout, mango, tangoes---->bottle, treads, wand---->midas--->blink---->aghs

                        i feel that aghs is a really good item on this guy as it really improves the splits' killing potential as the game goes on

                        however im struggling with tough there any way back for this hero when behind?

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          Riki is a good pick.


                            @Mugiwara no Luffy

                            First of all that's just a shitty build and how can you say it gives ez kills when you went 1-4 with silveredge and basher with brew your last brew game yesterday? :0

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Yeah, don't listen to that Luffy guy, Silver Edge might be a "fun item for him " (the Sange is pretty good on him) but not good, ALWAYS WITHOUT A FUCKING DOUBT GO BLINK DAGGER on Brewmaster.

                              Be on the look out for him next patch or the patch after, the hero's literally gotten nothing but buffs the past 3 patches, his time is coming.


                              Reduced Drunken Haze icon.png Drunken Haze cooldown from 8 on each level to 8/7/6/5.
                              Dispel Magic (Storm) icon.png Dispel Magic
                              Increased damage to summoned units from 200 to 500.
                              Reduced cooldown from 6 to 4.
                              Reduced Wind Walk (Storm) icon.png Wind Walk cooldown from 7 to 5.

                              Reduced Hurl Boulder (Earth) icon.png Hurl Boulder cooldown from 7 to 5.
                              Dispel Magic (Storm) icon.png Dispel Magic
                              Increased radius from 200 to 600.
                              Reduced cooldown from 8 to 6.

                              Primal Split icon.png Primal Split spirits no longer grant 11-15/11-15/31-35 gold and 196/242/242 experience.
                              Permanent Immolation (Fire) icon.png Permanent Immolation no longer ignores ancient creeps, Roshan and creep-heroes.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                              K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

                                @Thunderyard as I said, and repeat again Im not good with brew, and i didnt say to go vs 4 or 5 enemies, just some ez kill from supprot or low hp enemies, that's it


                                  make a riki build. start with rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier then rapier.

                                  don't forget to shout "kill secured!"