General Discussion

General DiscussionDid I make a mistake during the draft phase?

Did I make a mistake during the draft phase? in General Discussion

    >45 minutes in
    >AM doesn't have Manta
    Top kek


      Your team only has AM as a 'core' and you all failed to secure him his farm.

      No matter how well an Undying or Puck does in the beginning, they fall off later on and only serve as crowd control. The draft is fine but the way you played it out was wrong. What seems to have happened was everyone was revolving around the Puck when it should have been AM.


        I think OP was on Dire side which won, so I am assuming his question is if he made a mistake inspite of them winning

        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

          Yes you did.

          Your first two bans seem a bit odd. Why would you do that? Do you just hate the to play against these heroes or do they counter your line-up which you had in mind? Veno nor Naga are particularly strong heroes this patch. First pick Alch is really stupid imo, he has a ton of counters and AA is still in the pool, that was a big mistake. The warlock pick, well okay, he is a greedy support who prefs pos4 and getting some farm, do you have the space for it with your line-up? I don't think so, was too greedy. FV ban was really good since they got the WD and is one of the best combos. Disruptor is okayish, not sure why you did that. Then your last 3 picks and last ban are just utter retarded, sorry. So you already have a mid hero (or safe?) which will need a lot of space, farm and baby sitting and you then proceed to pick two melee carries who also need a lot of farm and a Necro which is another pos3/4 support who needs his levels. At this point your team is far too greedy, you can only hope the enemy has some huge conceptual and mechanical issues, which they luckily had, in order to win. Against a team with some brain you guys would lose hard early and your first set of racks should be down within 22 minutes. Also you banned out Enigma, the only hope you had if they would also pick a greedier line-up which is weak early so you can pro-long, nobody at that level can play a proper Enigma and they will just rush midas and farm their jungle. So it was probably good to leave Enigma in and just ban an early-mid game tempo controller like BH.

          So yeah, you made mistakes in your draft. But from just looking at the amount of last hits in 45 min. game and which items you guys build this is some really low MMR and drafting isn't that big of a deal. I would just suggest giving people their comfort heroes instead of building good line-ups. But if you still want to draft more decent, just be less greedy. Begin with 2 supports, one in-meta and another which will complement your line-up. After that get a solo offlaner and then proceed to get your carry and mid.


            when puck and wd has more farm than am


              At first my teammates just grit their teeth at each other for some reason that I didn't remember but just as they are about to lose, they suddenly forgot their conflict (?) and proceed to kick enemy ass back and win.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                why woudl u ban venomancer


                  Clueless of who to ban

                  King of Low Prio

                    If you dont know who to ban just ban OD, and if you know who to ban you will end up banning OD


                      OD is a freaking beast and I'm pretty sure that the next patch, Valve will nerf OD for good.


                        maybe they will nerf elder titan, pretty broken imo