General Discussion

General DiscussionPost Shanghai Major Shuffle - Chinese Teams

Post Shanghai Major Shuffle - Chinese Teams in General Discussion

    Sources: many weibo accounts (translated), VK profiles of some players, some Dota 2 news websites like Gosugamers, reddit, etc.

    When something is official, I will comment starting [OFFICIAL]°. Otherwise, they would be speculations.


      [OFFICIAL]°- xiao8 (Puppey of East, TI4 winning Captain with Newbee) is returning to pro scene with LGD.

      [OFFICIAL]°- Sylar leaves LGD, Agressif joins LGD.


        * iceiceice leaving Vici Gaming, joining LGD.

        * Super retiring, Cty joining Vici as Super's replacement.

        * Hao will decide by the end of Shuffle whether he retires or want to continue.

        [OFFICIAL]° - fy leaving Vici Gaming and joining Vici Gaming Potential with zyf.

        lm ao

          wat the

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Can you also give the sources for the official ones?


              On xiao8 and LGD news, it's Old Eleven's profile. On fy leaving Vici, rotk because rotk joining Vici to unite with Burning again. If nothing changes, teams will confirm next week. Vici's manager also said that fy will leave on his own accord.

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                RIP Chinese scene they all suck.


                  Holy crap, LGD will get Agressif/xiao8/iceiceice? Damn

                  And VG P looks promising


                    * New Vici Gaming roster:
                    1. Burning
                    2. Cty
                    3. RotK
                    4. Kaka
                    5. Fenrir


                      @Pilot: that's what I'm reading. I would had preferred Sylar to remain in LGD since xiao8 and iceiceice potentially sealing the deals soon. By the looks of it, Sylar is termless for now. He won't join VG because Burning not leaving and also because doesn't want to play with rotk. I hope Sylar pairs up with Ferrari at IG.

                      June, September, Sccc, and probably Inflame may get chances for big teams before ti.

                      Zyf and Fy have been wanting to play together since ti5. Also, fy wants to practice captaincy in lesser pressure and low-expectation environment. I actually see VG Potential doing better than VG in coming months. Lol.


                        * iceiceice also linked with EHome along with Fenrir. Depends on whether xiao8 would opt for offlane role at LGD himself or take position 4 support.

                        * DDC opting for retirement.


                          * EHome:

                          1. Old Eleven / Old Chicken
                          2. Old Chicken / iceiceice
                          3. Old Eleven / iceiceice
                          4. LaNm
                          5. fenrir

                          * LGD:
                          1. Agressif
                          2. Maybe
                          3. Xz / iceiceice
                          4. xiao8
                          5. MMY


                            [OFFICIAL]° -

                            LaNm, Old Eleven, Old Chicken, iceiceice, Fenrir


                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              I hope icex3 isn't a 4. It would just be a waste.


                                Positions are not confirmed. I think, it will be like this:

                                1. Old Chicken / Old Eleven
                                2. Iceiceice / Old Chicken
                                3. Old Eleven / iceiceice
                                4. LaNm
                                5. Fenrir

                                If they're trying anything different than this, they may have their reason but that would probably change either in to act of genius or complete poop-show.


                                  IG Facebook:
                                  "Calm before storm."


                                    *Sylar may join CDEC (who may nor afford his contract unless Sylar opts for paycut) or may join IG (whose owner wants to invest money and improve IG after 2 years of passing interest in the team).

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      iG is a lost cause at this point. Only Ferrari is left and he seems to have lost all his motivation.

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Ehome is:

                                        1. LaNm
                                        2. Chicken
                                        3. Eleven
                                        4. Ice x3
                                        5. Fenrir

                                        Written in order of positions. So LaNm as carry and captain also, and iceiceice as 4. This is official and confirmed.

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          ^ thanks.

                                          @sam: If Sylar comes in to IG's fold, that may serve as a point of revival of IG and source of enough motivation for Ferrari. Everyone in China is inspired around TI time. But, Ferrari already has Aegis. Winning it second time can also be a turning point for him.

                                          I want this Sylar to IG so bad now. Ferrari deserves all the best things in this world.


                                            * Kaka's stream: would prefer CDEC.YOUNTH over VG (what's he smoking?) because VG will be stressful for him, apparently.
                                            (then they ask why don't we see young players in Chinese teams.)

                                            *Old Boy's DD: Sylar may prefer Newbee.Young and pair up with Sccc (one of the best Chinese mid).

                                            [Official]° CDEC.Y's Demon weibo-post: would leave CDEC.YOUNTH this shuffle period. CDEC.YOUNTH's JUNE will follow him wherever he goes.


                                              [Official]° - Vici Gaming: rOtk, BurNing, Snake, Cty, HYM

                                              [Official] ° - Vici Gaming Potential: zyf, yang, fy, Fan, Bingo

                                              (source: H-Cup matches with Tongfu)

                                              *Vici Gaming Potential may change their name.

                                              *snake is 6.8k, 17 year old support.

                                              [Official]° - IG are listed for WCA 2016 S1 tourney. Haven't disbanded but no words on roster. Expected soon.


                                                Invictus Gaming (IG)
                                                1. qd
                                                2. Ferrari_430
                                                3. Xxs
                                                4. Boboka
                                                5. Rong

                                                IG Vitality
                                                1. Yuno
                                                2. Op
                                                3. Injuly
                                                4. Dogfight
                                                5. super


                                                  Vici Gaming Potential has been renamed to Vici Gaming Reborn.
                                                  Roster: fy, End, NoNo, Yang, DDC


                                                    1. Agressif
                                                    2. Maybe
                                                    3. Xiao8
                                                    4. September
                                                    5. MMY


                                                      1. Hao
                                                      2. Mu
                                                      3. Xz
                                                      4. Kaka
                                                      5. Chuan

                                                      < blank >

                                                        Chuan will eat that cheese

                                                        < blank >


                                                            If it's Kaci who's giving me the cheese, I'll eat it, too.


                                                              Vici Gaming have switched their traditional black & green team kit for new white colored scheme. They have finalised their roster:
                                                              1. Burning
                                                              2. Cty
                                                              3. RotK
                                                              4. HYM (previously with Hyper Glory along with ZSMJ)
                                                              5. Jdh (previously with Wings)


                                                                any news on iceiceice?


                                                                  Iceiceice and Fenrir have left Vici and joined EHome.


                                                                    1. Rabbit (previously IG)
                                                                    2. Super (previously VC)
                                                                    3. Yao
                                                                    4. Garder
                                                                    5. Q


                                                                      Out of all these teams, VG.Reborn is the best. They are 1st place in the H-cup and are 2 matches away from qualifying for ESL Manila. They just spanked r0tk's VG so hard's pretty clear fy is actually in charge of VG's Tier 1 team. R0tk VG = VG.Dead.

                                                                      Just watched iG today against Tier 2 Chinese teams. 430 should retire like BurNing and r0tk, his invoker looks worse than Dendi's and he had to be carried by qd and Xxs.

                                                                      xiao8's LGD were destroyed by CDEC.A, 2-0 in qualifiers for ESL Manila. Rumor has it CDEC.A's captain is (or was recently) 3k MMR...but xiao8 may need time to have full team chemistry. At least xiao8 has a brain....

                                                                      I'd say the second best team right now is Wings. Don't forget these guys won their group in WCA and placed 4th in that tournament (sure, they were totally destroyed by Alliance and LIquid, but their core Veno and fast push against iG.V today is the kind drafting China needs...not r0tk + BurNing "4p1" feeder bullshit).

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        [Official]° Newbee:

                                                                        1. Hao
                                                                        2. Mu
                                                                        3. Kpii
                                                                        4. Chuan
                                                                        5. Kaka
                                                                        (Xz goes to CDEC. Youth)


                                                                          [Official]° CDEC Youth:

                                                                          1. Ame
                                                                          2. Inflame
                                                                          3. Xz
                                                                          4. Vitoria
                                                                          5. Demons

                                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                            VG with iceiceice + black was best VG chance. DK during TI4 was their best chance. Old Boys/Old Man team was the best chinese 5 stack. Now they are tier 3/4 team now right behind russia and peru.


                                                                              [Official]° Newbee Young:
                                                                              1. Fan
                                                                              2. Sccc
                                                                              3. 2lei
                                                                              4. Le
                                                                              5. Mrr

                                                                              (Sylar still teamless)


                                                                                Wings Gaming:
                                                                                1. 仔仔
                                                                                2. y'
                                                                                3. iceice
                                                                                4. Faith
                                                                                5. shadow


                                                                                  chinese players need to be humble, learn to actually play the game, stop being lazy and streaming rubbish matches before they can even be taken seriously.