General Discussion

General Discussion"Your build is made to KS"

"Your build is made to KS" in General Discussion

    No build is made to KS wtf.

    My build is made to deal high burst damage and burst down enemies quickly while securing any kills that might get away.


      Play moar heros lol


        26 kills 18k hero damage. clearly waiting to take kills


          So I just watch his game and he does wait till the last second to take a kill

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            No I don't. @ Swirl

            I just go in when it's going to help the team, no reason to go in at the beginning as a carry who relies on invisibility, to attack and get out of invisibility and then just die before you can do anything.


              so when a PA, zues and you go on a Shadow Shaman by himself its best to wait till the last second to attack

              I mean player perspective showed you pressing W and waiting till he was almost dead to attack

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              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                I thought they had it, but I decided to secure the kill just in case they got away.

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                Farming Simulator

                  36percent winrate in 75 games, maybe its time you give up on that hero....


                    BAHAHHA you were watching him for ages waiting for them to come. he wasnt getting away. also if you didnt wait he dead anyway

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      i didn't want to go in alone if I can't secure the kill he'd run away before my teamamtes got there

                      Babay Ganash

                        If u play in SEA, teammates blame axe for gaining kills with his ult. Culling Axe is designed to ks, but they just dont get it..


                          Looks like Phantom Riki is finally getting into his true skill bracket where rapier riki is a good hero build.


                            You know ... these days i don't even need to guess who's the OP when the tittle is about him/her whining about their "bad" teammates.

                            Pale Mannie

                              ur build is made for ks f3g1t

                              Pale Mannie



                                  made to secure kills, not to kill steal


                                    gold everytime

                                    Putins Price Hike

                                      clearly a KS build


                                        PLS DONT FEED HTE TROLL


                                          Is it a troll post, your build, your play style is clearly for KS-ing.

                                          And that's why you lose a lot, kill a lot, 36% win rate, normal skill lol.

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                                            Pls play other heroes, dont you get bored of riki?


                                              riki smurf pls show me ur real acct thx


                                                "I thought they had it, but I decided to secure the kill just in case they got away."

                                                He is the ideal disciple of the Long Qua dynasty guys. Good work keep it up.

                                                NTW: This guy is so SHHHHHIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                  I don't KS, I just try my best to secure kills so they don't get away, that way we can push towers and ancients faster.


                                                    What do you know about pushing towers? In most of your games your tower damage is under 100, sometimes even 0, your creep count is under 100, sometimes even 23 ROFL. How can you farm your rapier + dagon? Ofc it's based on pure KS.

                                                    Also, my boy.. Seriously. Nobody really cares about what you do. Actually I do, most of us just comment on your threads because it's fun. You should create your own story, something like "Phantom Riki: Ep 1 - The Tales of the Divine Rapier", "Phantom Riki: Ep 2 - The Stealth Death Stealer", "Phantom Riki: Ep 3 - Sacrificing Own Minions", "Phantom Riki: Ep 4 - The Big Villain Called Oracle", "Phantom Riki: Ep 5 - A Sniper Shoot Me In The Head" and so on.

                                                    Ep 6 is coming soon!

                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      Ep 6: My great winstreak

                                                      Ep 7: Phantom Riki gets AFKs on the team

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        How can you farm your rapier + dagon? Ofc it's based on pure KS.

                                                        I teamfight and get kills.

                                                        Not KS, but I do all the work)


                                                          can some1 mute this f a g g o t please?


                                                            Yeah, you do all the work cuz you're the best! Why farm when you can just last hit a few heroes? xD


                                                              I'm feeding the troll because his shitposting keeps reaching different levels

                                                              Krazy Kat

                                                                Sir.Swirl is right. I watched one of his games. He wanders around early game doing nothing but leeching exp and making his team play 4 vs 5.

                                                                When fights start to happen, he rushes to the fight, stands back and watches, and just before the enemy dies he blink strikes for the kill.

                                                                He doesn't even smoke the enemy. Because he has no points in Q until lvl 20 or so.

                                                                This guy is a troll or even dumber that the PA headdress guy.

                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                  No he's not right, he's just trying to make up lies.


                                                                    > PA headress guy

                                                                    Good lord.... link?


                                                                      sounds legit to me

                                                                      ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                        better close this thread,
                                                                        learn from comments given to you.

                                                                        I only see a bit from your gamers,
                                                                        what i can suggest is,
                                                                        take smoke screen when play with riki, and use them when war....
                                                                        it helps your team a lot.

                                                                        Get more last hit on creeps, LH totally important for carry to make their item.....
                                                                        In your last game (7 march - which last 38min), you only got 10 last hit from creeps.
                                                                        10 last hit... please????

                                                                        Just learn and take advise from others.
                                                                        You will improve...

                                                                        Good luck

                                                                        [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                                                          What I can suggest is stop playing Riki and play Lina with shadow blade instead

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                                                                            link to the headdress guy, christ it's been 10 months already


                                                                              there was actually tons of controversy around this guy. He claimed to be over 30, he insisted that this PA build was actually good. He also tried to give some weird advise to other heroes, not in a tard-trolly way, he was dead serious and refused to listen to actual advise from better players.


                                                                                Making Tranquil Boots on most heroes ✓
                                                                                Making Rapier every game ✓
                                                                                Making EBlade + Dagon (for teamfight purposes, ofc) ✓
                                                                                No lifesteal on PA ✓


                                                                                  You guys should get together more, you'll be dotabuff legends in no time.


                                                                                    whatever floats his boat

                                                                                    Farming Simulator

                                                                                      You should go for Rapier on dazzle, think about it, you can make yourself immortal for 5 seconds, enough time to kill everyone with multiple rapiers.

                                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                        Another KS complainer in a game... >.<

                                                                                        20 assists but I'm a KSer

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