General Discussion

General DiscussionSave teammate or save yourself?

Save teammate or save yourself? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    In a scale of 1-10 how often are you willing to save a teammate or just yourself?

    Me first.

    Save teammate - 9
    Save yourself - 7

    No matter the outcome, we live and die together mannn! :]]

    Or maybe I just like teamfight oriented heroes?

    How bout u? Thoughts


      i feel like it depends on who impacts the team more.


        If you are support/ganker and it looks like you can save your competent carry by yolo'ing, then you are doing it right. If he's going to die anyways then you shouldn't because you are feeding.

        If you are carry and it looks like you can save your support WITHOUT DYING, then you are doing it right.

        A single pickoff doesn't change much, a bad teamfight is gamelosing shit.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


          EZ MID 9k mmr

            def save team mate im just a shitter that goes around healing people


              If you are a support - die trying to save your carry.
              If you are a carry - leave your support to die, you are much more important. Well, in real competitive DotA this is true. In normal skill games, people scream loud if you let your support die when they are 5 man ganking, they'd rather you die with them.

              Some hero's are situational though. I would always try a save as an ES, Void, Tuskar, or anyone with a reliable AoE stun.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                Never save a Phantom Lancer who's solo farming their unwarded jungle, he needs to learn the hard way.


                  myself unless I feel like I could turn the fight


                    I always try to save non-feeding teammates if I think that it's possible, but I ask my teammates to sell me whenever I get in troubles.


                      Go for the option that'll result in the least amounts of deaths in your team.

                      No point in dying together, but letting a core die when you could've made him live is no excuse either.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I just use my teammates as bait


                          Sampson probably uses his own girlfriend as bait


                            when i play carry, i sacrifice my supports.

                            when i play support i sacrifice myself.

                            does anyone actually play any different?


                              Depends on the situation, but I usually play support so I do what I can to save my carry at all costs if necessary and possible.

                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                  sampson's girl is 17 so by definition...

                                  minimize casualties, no point in losing more than you need to.

                                  lm ao

                                    kitrak is a n.i. gga




                                        when I play venge as supp just swap to save your teammates for ez commends
                                        But 0 with other heroes


                                          if teamate is tripplesteal

                                          i would rather save my self tho


                                            depends on cooldowns/game situation/roles/networths/whether its fyyq or not


                                              whatever seems best for the team. i was a struggling (feeding) dusa earlier and went back and sacrificed myself so our lc on a streak could tp away. if i'd jsut kept running he would've died and i would've escaped for sure. felt right to take one for the team. i'm just that kind of guy ;)


                                                sometimes it goes like this, carry gets smoke ganked (100% dead) support jumps in to help , carry dead, support low hp, offlaner tries to help support, they both die, the mid player goes to feed, G_G W_P.

                                                answer is , if u're not sure that u can save some1, don';t even attempt it

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  'Sampson probably uses his own girlfriend as bait'

                                                  I prefer to tell her she is dying for the greater cause


                                                    Because who gives a fuck


                                                      You are an utter noob if you would prioritize saving yourself rather than your ally carry if you are playing support.
                                                      If you are playing carry, don't jump into the clash if you can't guarantee a kill.


                                                        save myself of course. my ally won't give me the gold that i'll lose.