General Discussion

General DiscussionNo High Skill Bracket

No High Skill Bracket in General Discussion
Positive Mental Attitude

    hello guys first than all if you see mistakes in my english sorry , after i created this account for have nice mmr (+3k) i played my early games good no more feed , playing all games solo no party and somtimes going middle and not have nice team sometimes but see my profile i don't know i can't get VHS or even High skill any help ? thanks

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    bum farto

      Cause the game knows you're a normal skill player, so it assigned you to that bracket. Why do you want VHS or High Skill. Any legitimate reason?

      Wizard . SlayeR.

        Do you want to get .VHS or HIGH Skill
        play as good player and be awareness like a Professional. Dota 2 is not for fun play as hard better than your teammates

        Its my idea to achive High skills.

          Positive Mental Attitude

            Can i go High skill brackets with more game and wins ? please help better guys ty and what is best region for finding match in dota 2 for high skill i used eu west + russia + us east they don't finish fast and don't come teamfights please if you know and have experince give me some information about region , high skill brackets i need your help guys thanks.

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              Positive Mental Attitude

                So its just to get massive kill like 30-40 kills?:D
                if just is this i pick riki 6 divine 1 ulti rampage :)


                  this has got to be a troll. 39.02% wants to be in high skill???

                  you are lucky valve show mercy by calling it 'Normal skill'

                  you are well below normal. we need a 4th bracket called Awful Skill

                  Positive Mental Attitude

                    Milnor go to hell ok ? you are nothing and i need help not need ridiculous comments like you i have 39% winrate yeah because of 4 noob in my team 4 feeder 4 sellfish like you back to hell and if you have idea for help you can comment here no trash comment Fuck off see your stats sellfish you have 3.93 kill 6.03 dead 300 gpm and xpm why you comment here?i think even 1k mmr is high for you 3.93 kill , even if you play supporter heroes easily you can get 7-9 kills at every game first go fix your stats and come here for trash comment

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                      just play hard and perform well dude. my account was on normal skill before but then on almost all of mysolo games are in very high skill check my profile thoose normal and high skills are im with my friends nit solo

                      bum farto

                        Is that Nadia kid for real, fucking 1K theory crafters are hilarious. No, it doesn't have anything to do with fantasy points you took his theory out of context and are touting it as a fact.

                        The game has gotten pretty clever at allocating skill brackets to people, there are a couple exceptions but a couple of these are deliberate for some reason or another.

                        If you're a 3-4K player it is highly likely you will have a high/very high skill smurf as it detects (cleverly) the way you play, what you buy, how you perform vs others in that game etc. There is no fantasy point system whereby playing carries and having a high KDA gets you anywhere.

                        For example here this is a smurf I used to play on, where is all the things that back up that theory, shouldn't I be in normal skill, I have shit KDA, shit farm, shit everything, yet somehow managed very high skill from the get go.

                        Much like the above mention point system this whole theory is just a god damn fantasy. Delusional.

                        Venus, MBA

                          If you want to get to higher skill, you need to leave your comfort zone. Learn some new heroes, pick other roles like support or offlane. You won't reach high skill on carrying and solo mid alone.


                            You prove with every word why you are in normal skill. The objective is to destroy the thrown not get kills.
                            Go learn the game before even thinking about the skill brackets:


                              * git gud
                              That's all. Also, it's hard to move up skill brackets so you have to consistently play good.

                              Babay Ganash

                                Feed with pudge like 1/10+/0
                                Trust me, it worked for my smurf to climb vhs

                                Positive Mental Attitude

                                  i have 1 question guys for solo mmr i just play all games solo or doesn't important to play with my friends?i mean for solo mmr just play solo or can play with friends too?

                                  Positive Mental Attitude

                                    and i forget to say this is my 3rd account see my second account i have more high skill but this is really fucking question why i can't get high skill with this account too?
                                    any bug or somthing don't allows me for vhs please help.

                                    bum farto

                                      God you're thick, you will only get higher on that account by playing more games and playing better than the other 9 people in the game. Again, you have no legitimate reason to get high skill, it's not like someone drops around your house and says congrats and invites you to a pro team.

                                      On your other account you started decent, but then you let it slip and the game knew you just got lucky so it dropped you again. Like I said you're not good enough to get/hold a high skill game so back to Normals with you.

                                      Guys by do you know how I can become a chess master without being any good at chess? - #normalskillshitters


                                        ^I think anybody can join Newbee, VG or any other Chinese team ATM. ANYBODY! =)

                                        Positive Mental Attitude

                                          So going to high brackets need good winrate yeah ? +50% is fine ?


                                            High skill is the top 15% of players. Why are you better then 85% of players but cant just get there on your normal account? pls explain this to us

                                            pura pura

                                              just play ur ranking up - look at me, from 1k to 5k in 2 years dotka blyat.. and ye, im a player who is focused on improving more than having fun lol

                                              Lucky symbol

                                                Valve just know u are trash so...

                                                Positive Mental Attitude

                                                  guys ok me noob , you pro guys i wanted help from you guys not trash comment and useless example : you are noob - become better player - go practice . if you think im noob its no problem go watch my games with legion i have custom build i can rape even carry 3/3 i dont want to mean im pro with this word i want nice rank because i want to play with good teammate not retards , idiots and other ok?so fuck off please guys every player can play good just need practice i started this fucking game at warcraft 3 if you speaking about experince and other you will suck against my play time i playing dota 2 every day every hour dota 2 because this game is my love i don't like to read this comments because your comments can't change my mind to leave dota 2 i play this and no one can make me delete this game with this shitty words i think this fucking dotabuff not working well even i got +20 kills with legion in 30-40 min but this shit shows my games as normal skill this is ridiculous even i checked dendi and other pro players have dotabuff they started even without any skill after 4 page game they have normal after 4-8 page again they got high skill this is not is ture even best player cant have vhs and early?so this system works like porn :)))))) every retard coming here and sends comment to me " you need practice - you are awful " guys

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                                                  Positive Mental Attitude

                                                    if you really want to post comments guys first than all see what i wanted and what typed in topic after you read successful come and post comment for help if you want to make me angry with your shitty and ridiculous comment sorry but you can't make me angry try more

                                                    but if you want to show me the way to get even high skill i thank you so much.

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      My smurf just got to high skill wooo


                                                        Don't be so offended mate. What ppl are trying to tell u is that if u were good enough to be in high skill u would have gotten it easily in first few games. You are trying to trick the system to get better teammates. We get that. But u will be a lousy teammate for high skill bracket.

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Yo OP, u just gotta have to dominate man, just dominate the normals and ul move up :]


                                                            u get 20-30 kills as legion only because you play against trash. wake up man. all you seem to want to hear is, yeah, valve screwed you over by putting you with idiots. but the fact is, you're one of the idiots im always put together with too. gtfo. retard.


                                                              Comes to thread asking for tips and constructive criticism

                                                              Gets mad when he gets tips and constructive criticism


                                                              U are all dogshit

                                                                If you were winning and still in normal skill there would atleast be something you could do, but you are just so dogshit. Love the drama in this thread.


                                                                  he obviously wants to hear something else, not what he is hearing or reading right now


                                                                    u have a below 50% winrate on normal skill you should just forget abt high skill until u get over 50% in normal skill

                                                                    Mr. Swag

                                                                      Stop trashtalk in game dude, you will get trashtalker teammates too. That's my exp in other account. Be calm, relax, and play

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                                                                        Don;t listen to this Havoc. He knows shit. You deserve at least VHS and 5k mmr. System is rigged and stupid, unfair


                                                                          your games, skills, kda and dmg are either normal or below average. might take you decades til patch 9.9999abc before you get your 1st HS game and x99 for VHS game

                                                                          Positive Mental Attitude

                                                                            Now i have 44% winrate with +6% i can go high brackets yeah ? oh and i forget thanks to Vietjesus Nii-san , shred you to bits i really thank you guys for help other guys posted stupid comments i don't even read their comment again ty so much if you have other suggestion tell me thanks.

                                                                            The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                                              You can reach VHS in under 5 games after creating a new account, just gotta win the games, and die very few times and have high impact. Lots of hero/tower damage.

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                                                                              Positive Mental Attitude

                                                                                i have 5 game win at early you can see but normal skill . . .


                                                                                  Damn son. You may or may not be high skill in dota, but your English is definitely 1K mmr elegiggle

                                                                                  tengo hambre y como vidrio

                                                                                    I just need to ask this. Does winrate even mather? I have like a 53% winrate and i see tons of ppl with winrate lower to 50% even with winrates like 42% and they have all games played in VHS. How dafuq is the winrate something to take into account


                                                                                      valve should use your profile as a test that the match making system is working. If your account ever gets to high skill then they need to scrap and rewrite the algorithm

                                                                                      tengo hambre y como vidrio

                                                                                        mine? why? im not even mad at the fact that i play at normal. But i have better winrate than most ppl i see and still stuck at normal. I mean i just find it weird.

                                                                                        U are all dogshit

                                                                                          You can have high impact and still not win, valve considers this.


                                                                                            winrate doesnt matter and it never did.

                                                                                            what matters is your game impact and how you played

                                                                                            The Best Girl Gamer(comme...


                                                                                              Yes, you won your first 6 games, but your very first game you 7 kill 8 die as drow. And died like 40 times in those 6 games (sorry I didnt add).

                                                                                              You gotta play heroes that you can 1v5 with and arent as easy to gank. You gotta assume in solo que that your team is not going to support you well. You gotta assume your team will be garbage, and be suprized when they are not. Dont expect your team to back you up or heal at the perfect time in fights. You will know after the first few minutes if the people you are playing with you can trust. I have the problem of trusting my teammates and thats usuall why I die. You will get games where your whole team feeds and you have no option of doing anything. The best thing to do there is buy your own wards and farm as much as you can. Just dont feed. If your teammates are all like 0-5 1-5 2-10 and you are 0-0-2 this is good for your hidden mmr.

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                                                                                              Positive Mental Attitude

                                                                                                Milnor stop burning from ass bro i even don't care you why you think you are nice , pro and coming here for comment lousy kid you are nothing go to home you speaking about normal skill right?i checked your profile dude you started with 16 page normal skill you think i play like you?i watching tournament replays for become better player you are sellfish just watching yourself jealous to see others go create new account after you got first game high brackets comeback and speak with me about high brackets :))


                                                                                                  Lmao @sephiroth your delusional as fuck

                                                                                                  @milnor would dumpster you 1 on 1

                                                                                                  he would get vhs instantly probs in less than a game


                                                                                                    He has a point to be fair. I was normal mode for 16 pages.
                                                                                                    Alright buddy, keep climbing but don't worry too much about the skill brackets and don't rely on making new accounts.
                                                                                                    At your bracket the game is one or lost in the hero select stage a lot of the time. Requesting lane combos is a great way to win pubs but unless your willing to be the support then you'll find it hard getting people to agree. Just play a hyper aggressive duel offlane with heros like Viper , Undying, Tusk, Abbadon and dont stop harassing their carry all game.

                                                                                                    Positive Mental Attitude

                                                                                                      i think if i go farm and don't feed i can go high bracket i have 7 feeds in dotabuff - matches panel i think is right let me test 10-20 games without feed and i come again ty guys