General Discussion

General DiscussionYour team is getting rolfstomped, raped, destroyed in the first 20 mins.

Your team is getting rolfstomped, raped, destroyed in the first 20 mins. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What usually comes to your mind when u experience something like dis? What do u usually do?

    Fee Too Pee

      Off try hard mode. On i do not care anymore mode and keep playing. And all chat to the enemy team with jokes for fun


        Time ti take more risks. What can you do.
        Sometimes comeback is possible you can be disadvantage of 15 kills but in some game I experience we can come back

        Pale Mannie

          Cry in the fountain

          lm ao



              If I'm playing ember , mute everyone on my team, get bkb divine rapier daedelus battlefuru boots of travel, linkens if necessary, or manta or euls , which ever one is best for survival, completely ignore team as they feed, only defend important structures, split push like a mad man.


                ^If you're getting stomped in 20 min u have bf maximum :D

                Just let go and stop tryharding.


                  Okie dokie.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    if we have some kind of spam, i go cut waves. If no then i cry at the fountain also.


                      Buy smokes and hope for the best


                        I always remember the moment when Dendi's Magnus caused whole Vega team to be slaughtered and result of Navi comeback during TI5 EU West qualifier that "There is always a comeback." and it happen to me today


                        PS: Try pick Alchemist again if you dare, pubstomper picker. (I hate dude that always spam a pub stomp heroes.)

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          I listen to aFeect flaming me for autistic and terribly lost draft


                            count that as a loss so it won't drain you. avoid the enemies and farm neutral creeps whenever possible and mute them all. joke with the other team too. helps kill time.


                              When you are mid and both lines failing so hard, it is very hard to change the game, because also if you win mid, you still don´t have any advantage against fed line guys.
                              You can try, but it is hard.
                              A lot of is dependent on picks and if you have asshole in your team who picked 5 cores, you can say only GG.

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                really good consistant veno. IMO seems like he's making a comeback, just needs a few more buffs i guess. Try luna. I'm having 77% winrate on my smurf account with it. I mean I usually play sub 400GPM supports but with luna offlane/jungle I can actually carry every game when the carry fails. As for your necro try doing radiance/sb or dagon 5/aghs builds are much better winrate IMO.