General Discussion

General DiscussionGroup Stage!

Group Stage! in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Any surprises happen so far? I mean mvp pheonix running a train through everyone has been pretty astonishing. Not really that they won, cus it's group stages, any team can surprise, but they dominated that first day. I'm watching on replay, not live, so didn't watch any alliance matches yet.

    Mostly I like the meta a lot, seems like a lot of viable strats, spectre picked 3 times! Sven picked 5 so far! No ember spam, qop spam, wr spam thank god. Though it's all invoker spam now, and rightly so. He's only 50% win rate but teams banning him are 75% wins.

    Push strat is back in a huge way though, chen is tearing it up, NP is back. So Idk if I'll like it during the toruny or not, it does tend to get old, but as long as it's push and not pure rat I can deal.

    The other surprising thing is how much play void is getting, and it's not paying off, his teams are 3-8. Can really pinpoint why either, teams are picking good chrono follow ups like invoker, gyro, witch dr.


      I expected Earth Spirit to make a comeback in this stage, instead it's been Void. Personally, I believe s4 is doing exceptionally well.


        Normally, good teams won't reveal their pocket strats during group stages due to the reason that no team goes home even if you finish last.

        Average teams (Archon, MVP, Team Spirit) however, will reveal their best picks even in group stages because they really don't want to end up in lower bracket where you lose and go home.

        Probably the reason we are seeing some surprises. But, even then, that MVP display commends applause.

        MidOne & Iceberg are legit.

        I'm also liking how they are applying meta, I agree, it's pretty diverse and does not depend upon few heroes.

        Alliance are pretty strong. When you watch it, you'll like it. That Blink Dagger + Dragon Lance Drow by Lod[A] made me smile :)

        But, hey. Vici Gaming all the way!

        Dire Wolf

          I can't seem to find alliance vs spirit matches, only broadcast I could find was their second match against fanatic.

          Void is making a comeback in frequency but not wins, pretty ineffective. For instance last game I just watch was alliance vs fnatic 2nd game, void had like no follow up to his init cus of sven and a quas wex invoker. I thought they should've picked like clinkz or even medusa last pick or just not gone void.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            [A] vs. TS Match 1:

            [A] vs. TS Match 2:


              + You can install the app called 'Vortex'. It's like Twitch, same channels, but video quality and streaming quality will be better, and easier to broadcasts of different matches just by clicking on DotA.


                did someone say MVP?

                Livin' Real Good

                  Did someone say Salza? No? okay bye. :)

                  Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                    I think Void is considered fairly strong in the meta specifically due to how versatile he can be in correct situations due to his reworks. For example:
                    - He can play the tank (especially once he gets a BKB to avoid silences) and make all their focus and damage mean nothing due to new Time Walk
                    - Exort Invoker and other heroes can easily play off of Chronosphere, and since new Void is forced to go Aghs most of the time, Chrono is only on a 60 second cd
                    - Time Dilation easily destroys heroes that rely on lots of spells on low cds like TA (watch its rek s4 QOP in the video of the first match vs. Team Spirit posted above at the 5:32 mark)


                      Holy Fock, Salza. Where were you, Salza? When did you come back, Salza? I love you, Salza. I missed you, Salza. Etc., Salza.

                      saving private RTZ

                        Its pretty nice to see some fresh faces. Morph, slark, spectre, sven, jugg, even CK ocasionally.

                        Though the mid lane is pretty boring, zeus, OD, Invoker pretty much everygame.

                        Also, Eastern team seem to like putting safelaners on mid. We've seen sven and jugg mid by LGD and PL mid by MVP.

                        I think the meta is pretty nice afterall, its still kind of the same 10 min memeball as last patch but now with carries like spectre, morph and sven there are plenty of comebacks.

                        Also i think Slark has a 100% winrate so far, only 4 games but its ok.