General Discussion

General Discussioni need to farm faster

i need to farm faster in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    i need tips from people who consider themselves to be efficient farmers....besides the obvious fact of trying to maximise cs what do you do in a tough lane or if you're normal skill and your lane mate is also trying to cs

    suppose im a slark or a jug what do i do? setting aside farm from kills how do i optimise farm.....any item suggestions

    if the lane is tough do i just go and stack some camps while leaching up the exp from a safe spot and trying to get whatever last hit i can?

    any random tips or do's is fine


      report your teammate

      then push the lane like there is no tomorrow so you use the time frame to visit the jungle camp, then back to laning, although it does put both of you into higher risk of getting ganked


        if u are up against ultra cancer lane, where u can barely even get exp from, its better to go to jungle. buy poor man's shield, regen, on jug u can get early ring of health which u will later build into a battlefury. when going to jungle make sure u also have quelling blade. btw dont build aghs on jug xD
        on jug i like to go phase-aquila-bf-manta-blink then abyssal or skadi or something...


          slark and jugg can clear woods with 1st spell but u gotta have it maxed


            on slark pt and aquila and lvl 7 is enough to perma woods mb even from 6 and u get 7 in woods

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              on jugg aquila boots and voidstone is enough but u better have pt and stack woods i guess

              in low mmr people don't check you in woods that much, and you can just play around them (go to enemy woods if they are pushing/in ur woods) slark can ulti tp/jump tp, jugg can 1st spell tp, pretty evasie heroes (unless they have aoe stuns for slark or bkb piercing spells for jug)

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                  Playing carry doesn't mean you need to farm all game in every situation, you don't need to get 6 slotted every game to win, certain heroes shine better earlier than others and vice versa, if you miss that timing window for winning a fight and pushing for gg you are most likely to lose in certain match-ups regardless of being the most farmed player on both radiant and dire. Playing carry is about getting ahead of the enemy team. If the enemy is just harrassing you, spamming spells in lane, wasting time invading your jungle rather than focusing on last hitting they are most likely not to have very much gold compared to you, so even if you have only one or two items it will still give you the advantage you need to win a fight. What makes a good carry player is item progression choice and finding space for farm as well as knowing when to join fights and when not to. Position 1 is the most farm dependant so make every coin matter when you decide what you will buy next, also don't be scared to help your team if you got the advantage you need.

                  Aside from that there are some tips i can give you for Juggernaut.
                  I found this build to be the most effective in any situation despite the matchup:
                  Phase boots>Ring of aquilla>Battlefury (must buy)>Sange & Yasha>Skadi>MKB>Sell ring for a situational item (most likely to be a butterfly or abyssal depending on the situation but will probably be obvious at that point of the game)
                  I personaly dislike items like Manta style or any lifesteal item except mask (you should only get mask if you are ahead of the enemy team by a mile) for the following reasons: manta is not a bad item but there are other items that are far better at anything manta has to offer so it just takes up a valuable slot, your healing ward is all the sustain late game you will need with proper placement and early game when building battlefury your ring of health will give you all you need when clearing jungle camps.
                  Shadow blade is an useful but situational item that you should get if you have openings for solo pickoffs and your enemy isn't always walking together (sometimes even before battlefury).
                  Blink is a great item on jugger since you can use it both during your Q and your Omnislash as well as a great initiator item and a great way to escape when your ult ends allowing for stupid scenarios like walking casualy into the enemy fountain and ulting then blinking out like nothing ever happened.
                  Get difusal blade if the enemy is buying ghost scepters.
                  When pushing get behind the enemy tower and block the creeps and use your Q.
                  Also you probably want to max your Q as early as possible and take a single point in W and E and buy boots as early as possible too even before your quelling blade if needed because you can very easily just get fed by using the follow command (M by default on your keyboard but you can find and change it when you open settings in dota) and using your Q just walking down people because early on in the game that damage will be lethal versus most heroes.
                  You probably don't want to pick juggernaut or slark when the enemy has heroes with escape mechanisms or heroes with illusions or multiple units in general.


                    Psst I also heard armlet on slark works very well with his ult's passive but I don't really play that hero all that much so I wouldn't know.

                    acc buyers in my team


                      - don't miss lasthits
                      - don't feed
                      - farming patterns


                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                        thanks for your time guys

                        also ruin when would i be getting that blink? after bf?

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          battlefury slark owns

                          I am still not quite sure whether you're trolling or not, though the idea seems to be viable I guess.


                            its fine to get blink after battle fury, the added mobility accelerates your farm further, although yasha is also another option that has a similar purpose, but will arguably have better midgame strength when you have a manta or sange and yasha instead of blink + yasha, since you're much more survivable in fights, while blink + yasha is better for farming, you could be potentially weaker in fights.

                            if you go yasha first, you have the option of going greedy and getting blink before upgrading to manta or SNY, or still go SNY or manta and make the most out of the timing window where jugg will most likely stronger than any other carries at 20-25 minutes.

                            Синячий патруль

                              S&Y on jug is for braindamaged , ty