General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone Knows How Calibrate works?

Anyone Knows How Calibrate works? in General Discussion

    Please i want to know how calibrate works since i want to start again and idk how to get higher mmr in the next account i get


      surprisingly, calibration reflects how well u play


        but it should have a system .. it doesn't work like that randomly

        黑鬼 [我不好]

          play in china

            Этот комментарий удален модератором

              To get what i deserve is my right


                You deserve my dong


                  xD , C'mon guys take this subject serieusly

                  Meat Spinner

                    U want 4k ? Reach vhs ! High skill leads ur calibration to~ 3000 only ! Remember below 4.5k games are pretty much same as 3.8k games lol !

                      Этот комментарий удален модератором

                        Let's say you calibrated at 2k, and you believe you are actually 4k or whatever but you can't climb, you don't deserve anything son


                          Just increase your mmr that's been calibrated to you dude. If you think you're good then rape everyone in that mmr and climb higher.
                          Otherwise you will make my calibration I had before to now look bad.
                          1.8k-3.3k from November 2014 to today was damn hard work cause I'm a Noob.


                            yo kitrak what is mmr cap? i always see 4.5k, but ive heard of people getting over 5.


                              Mate, my main was 1.1k but my smurf is now in VHS :D

                                Этот комментарий был удален

                                  @Defiance eh, u can push your way to 4999 only with smurfing but with 10TBD matches, you can be like 5.1 or 5.2.


                                    @Kai I think he is asking about smurfing.



                                      Right, that took me a while until you mentioned it.

                                      Meat Spinner

                                        @triplesteal ! Would u plz tell me how I can maintain vhs

                                        U are all dogshit

                                          Calibration is where u plot a new scale by keeping an old precise scale as reference.