General Discussion

General Discussionwith top mmrs approaching 8500 isnt it time for valve to rethink the ...

with top mmrs approaching 8500 isnt it time for valve to rethink the ranked system in General Discussion

    i'm pretty sure that re-calibration would cause a massive uproar and loss of players

    Pale Mannie
      Этот комментарий был удален

        How about Miracle. He seems to play every hero

        plz do

          im pretty sure it wouldnt cause a massive loss of players, but just an uproar. ppl are so addicted to this shit that they'll never quit and just go along with the changes. (like it has alwayes been)

          Óðinn H

            you guys are actually SOO STUPID kill rsefu LPELASEE DOATHE EARTH A FAVOR lmao JK's

            havocsi nto something


              re-calibration would be awful

              Welt aus Eis

                And btw, making these assumptions like "MMR is inflating" and basing them on that 0.01 percentile is just ludicrous, I shouldn't be explaining that.

                Except I never said mmr average is growing, the thread is clearly about the widening of the high end tail of the distribution

                Livin' Real Good

                  This thread was pretty fun to read, love MMR discussions, as well as "hidden" pool stories, aw yeah.

                  Re-calibration huh? Interesting.

                  lm ao

                    I think I understand what sano's trying to explain

                    although i better not take part in your serious deiscourse requiring high levels of intelligence
                    i would just embarass myself with my stats :3

                    lm ao

                      can i just shitpost here instead? :>

                      Welt aus Eis

                        feel free

                        Meen Curry

                          only the guys who have been playing their asses off have broken into 8k..the bulk of the players are still at and going to be at 6-7k ( pros)


                            fix account selling and boosting, then fix 6k players only calibrating at 4.8 etc

                            Welt aus Eis

                              there are always gonna be lots of players who play an enormous amount, that's why any system based on grinding that has no level limit leads to inflation

                              if you ever played tibia you should know what i'm talking about, back in the 'golden days' (2005~) of the game the top level was around 250 or something, nowadays top level is fucking 900+ and 250 is nothing special

                              lm ao

                                I think growing tails are really bad, i.e my dog Max sleeps at the foot of my bed and if his tail ever grows to lets just say about 1000 centimeters then I'll have itch problems like eczema or some shit cause of the huge amounts of doggie hairfall

                                Plus my weaboo negihbors would probably mistake Max for Ninetales or Naruto wapanese idiots are so disgusting blech

                                play for fan

                                  i have an idea

                                  1.send all of 6 7 8 Ks mmr to 6000
                                  2. all +5k to 5000
                                  3. and then remove other player's account and ban their ip address for ever

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    I have cultivated an idea for about a year and a half already which would fix quite a lot of the problems without making too many new ones.

                                    The thing is, they don't ever need to do any recalibration. But if they also don't want to make the difference of being at the very lowest and the very highest be thousands of wins in a row here's what they should do:
                                    Every year or whatever the reasonable ammount of time do soft resets. What I mean by that is decrease everybody's mmr by 33% (or another ammount which is reasonable). Everyone stays ahead or behind at the exact same percentile and you would play matches with exact same people, it's just that the distance is not that high between the grinders and skilled people, and everyone can come back at any point without being at a huge disadvantage and having to play hundreds of games winning in a row to just catch up. Leaderboards would make sense again, and breaking into them would be easier, but at the same time harder to hold your spot (unlike those players who now have grinded out hundreds of mmr above the average leaderboard mmr and aren't going away anytime soon).

                                    It literally solves every problem raised in this thread and doesn't create new ones implied by other mmr reduction or recalibration systems

                                    lm ao
                                      Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        I like toilet Carl's idea

                                        lm ao

                                          u should go take a look at his stupid shitposts in ayy lmao

                                          play for fan

                                            ^ dont worry dogi they wont remove you cuz no one care about noobs you mad bro ? yes yo meeddd

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                            lm ao

                                              yeah right


                                                You are shitposting here, too. How about post ITT?

                                                Reminder: reduce eveyone's mmr by a fixed percentage, everyone's happy and mmr inflation is fixed.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Also I realized, after not playing solo for such a long time, people are actually worse. 6k is really the new 5k.

                                                  lm ao

                                                    HAHAHAHAHAHA w/e

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      1% MMR loss weekly? anyone?
                                                      or 0,5%?

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        I am willing to accept that I could be possibly off as I am not the all seeing, all-knowing expert on this and having never been 6-8K and hanging around in low 5K forever i can't really say anything too negative about players who are statistically better than me....

                                                        ...but that being said I think the benefits of being 6-8K are fairly marginal, much like the difference between a 500 and a 1000 MMR player, sure there's bits and pieces but it's the individuals that make the difference in those brackets rather than an actual skill disparity.

                                                        I honestly think the difference between a 5k and a 6k is about 50% skill and 50% attitudes. There comes a point where you realize that you can be a average player but make the right moves and commitments in a game to enable your team to win which in turn wins you MMR which allows you to climb.

                                                        There is actually a lot to say on playstyles and knowing how to win, which I consider a skill, but don't want to make this a wall of text so will save it for another time.

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          Honestly they should have ladder seasons where and once or twice a year you play for a period to establish your ranking for the year or until the next season. There used to be ladder seasons in garena twice a year and they made Dota1 competitive in that respect.


                                                            miracle broke the system


                                                              Havoc, that's exactly my proposed idea. Also without the backdraw of everyone being reset to the same dumpster

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Okay, if this Slark in my last game is legitemely 6k and not an account buyer, MMR system is fucking inflated and broken and shit and whatever bad words you can find.


                                                                  I hope you realise who you played against and that party mmr means jack shit

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Yes I know who I played against, no excuse. Also yes, his solo is 6k too.