General Discussion

General DiscussionDivine warden

Divine warden in General Discussion

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is imba or op. I just think it is a bit too naf and should be nerfed to discourage it.

    I'd have the rapier lose 50dmg every time a clone dies with it.

    Like I say, not op, but makes for a pretty stupid game. At least naga has to approach to river to give her illusions time to push high ground.


      ITS FUKING OP ESPECIALLY IN 1-3k mmr tbh

      Riguma Borusu

        I once rekt a rapier arc warden with legion commander, I got a ghost scepter, sneaked into the base with blink shadowblade and ghost scepter and took both rapiers off him. Then we won. Even in base he's not untouchable, but if you have no heroes that can snatch rapiers from a glass canon arc warden literally sitting in his fountain, then you just got outdrafted I think. It's like saying Ember is OP because he can teleport around the map and splitpush when the reality is, you can either pick heroes to deal with him or get blink hex.

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        Dire Wolf

          He can't win game that way until like 50 mins. If you haven't won by then it's your own fault.


            Can you guys reread my post please :) I specifically said it isn't op. I said it was naf and imo Dota would be better off without it.

            Whilst I've got your attention, can ench go back to needing to skill enchant please :-)


              its a boring stuff similar to old techies: games with arc warden are just different to normal dota and not really enjoyable. its not op, but its not fun for me to play at all, and i agree with the idea of AW deserving some kind of rework.

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              Óðinn H


                Bloodseeker got nerfed cause he was what he was capable of doing was bullshit, not cause the hero overall was imbalanced.
                Void backtrack got changed to be offer more calculated play, and not just some bullshit where u dodge laguna and finger and survivie.
                Arc Warden divine gonna get fucked over cause it's fucking BULL_sh!t


                  Who cares about divine arc warden, he cant play with his main hero anyways its ok but not OP, there are better builds i think.
                  @road to oblivion you dont need to pick heroes to kill arc warden in fountain wtf man haha, if you wanna counter him pick heroes to gank him (LC is good of course), if you wanna counter divine arc warden late game you either draft strong deathball or heavy split push like np or naga he can hold 3 divines but if he cant touch a tower is rekt he will waste his clone to push a random lane during 20 seconds while youre pushing the entire map

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^yeah but that was the extreme example, like, you can pick a hero and build to be able to kill him in fountain, it's not unfeasible, that's the point.


                      If they just put some sort of bounty for killing the Double I'd be happy. Would make suiciding the double for a tower an actual trade.

                      Óðinn H

                        ^This is a good suggestion actually.


                          ^ nop, that would make him the worst shit in dota :P
                          Come on guys the hero is ok or a little weak, of course hes a strong fucker in lategame but he deserves being strong at some point is a HC he needs lots of space, farm, and time. Saying arc warden is OP or bullshit (i guess hes kinda bullshit :P) is like say that AM or hc naga are "OP"


                            Extremely frustrated to play against that Arc Warden when you allowed him to farm :-). I'm not saying anything about OP but i think some minor nerf to him should be nice especially with this rapier strategy in late game.

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                            Mbeju Volador

                              I once played rat dota with arc 4 rapiers and then we lost, 90 minute game..


                                Bad build

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  It's one-dimensional and only done by lazy people who can't properly micro two heroes at the same time so they just keep the hero at base most of the time and do everything with the clone. If played well, a build with 6 active items is far more valuable for your team because you can actually contribute to the fights instead of just hiding in the shadows the whole game.


                                    Listen to matrice and Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah they are right and theyre high rated players
                                    I prefer to build something like this: Midas > Necro 1 > Diffusal 2 > Necro 3 > Travels 2 > Sakdi > Manta > Radiace
                                    And after you can build all divines you want and keep them in base, travels to base replace some items by those divines and rat when you see a chance

                                    Miku Plays

                                      manta,octarine,radiance best build kappa