General Discussion

General DiscussionQuas Wex Invoker

Quas Wex Invoker in General Discussion

    See my previous matches im practicing invoker. Help me. Any suggestions? Thanks"


      there are alot of things to do to play invo in his full potential but 1st thing 1st, know how qwe of invo works. learn how to farm invo like spaming eeq or wwe but not those big and high skills. decide what to max 1st or wht skill master. qw is btter to use if enemies has low mana pool and if u have sum skill or item nids to be purged like guardian angel and crimson, qw max e is mostly used to kill or take off heroes in the fight easily(depends on situation) can be used to push too with the help of eeq + necro book. invo is complicated yet simple to use with proper positioning and using skill in right time. sum ppl here can add more guides 4 u im just too lazy to type. xD

      Mary Poppins

        Ok, here is some point :

        1. Your start build is pretty bad, you have 44 damage for last hitting.

        2. You fail many last hit and you auto attacking like 3 or 4 time before trying to last hit so you help spectre to farm in safe position.

        3. You try to dive spectre buy fail your emp and you tank 5 shots from the tower, just attack your own creep so the tower don't focus you anymore.

        4. At 5.40 you try to kill spectre, after your emp use cold snap and you kill him, but you dont' and only use tornado and right click.

        5. stop runing on rune everytime, you are invoker. You have no bottle and you lose too many exp by going out of the lane for 30 sec.

        6. You try to harras spectre with emp / tornado every time but with 5 auto attack you can deal the same amouth of damage so don't waste your mana. You are in 1v1 situation vs spectre, be more agressive, she can't kill you.

        7. Stop your spam ping for nothing. 1 is enough, you spam like 15 times when you see something on the map.

        8. When you die after engaging ES, your camera position is weird + you cast tornado but you can escape with Gost walk.

        9. After the laning stage you start pushing and farming the lane (it's good) but when you take only 1 last hit in 1 creep wave it's bad. You just auto-attacking and don't even try to last hit, this is why the orchid come so late.

        10. Maybe your mate are retard, bad etc but respect them, stop spam ping and stop forcing the chick for take your item. It's make you retarded.

        11. After killing es mid you die, and you die because you cast your tornado too fast and lost 2 cold snap hits. So he can run away on tower and you take 4 tower shots.

        In general you have 0 game impact in the game. You just farm, run and try to solo kill. And please take one point in exort for the ice wall and alacrity, the ice wall is so underrated on this hero .

        Oh yeah, one more thing, try to learn from your mistakes. You die 6 times because you run in ghost walk close to zeus (he can see you with his W) so don't do that again. He know you are here (slow).

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          You need to take notes of xD. Apart from that, you only need 4 points in Quas. You shouldn't go beyond that whether you're playing Quas+Wex or Quas+Exort. Because, having that fifth point in Quas will keep your enemy in air for nearly 2 seconds which is too long. It helps in late game when you want to do Tornado+Emp+Meat Ball+Deafening Blast combo. But, not early because cool down to invoke spells before lvl16 is not convenient to go through that combo.

          If you're playing Quas+Wex, you should keep in mind that you have to have Aghanim Sceptre by the time you reach, at least, lvl 17. If you're playing Quas+Exort, you can delay Aghanim for even later but then you need to have Octarine Core in that play-style.

          When you're going ganking, which you should be after your lvl7, try to sort your target first, and who should be your target is more important, before going to gank, tell your team mates something like "ganking (heroname)", it should make easier to secure kills when you're there and your team mates are ready.

          Orchid is *not* /ALWAYS/ good on Quas+Wex. Prioritise it if enemy team has Blink escape (Anti-mage+Qop) otherwise, try going for Sycthe of Vyse.

          Once again, please, keep in mind, you only need 4 points in Quas and 6 points in Wex. After that, start taking/maxing Exort.


            Thanks guys. This will help a lot


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