General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do at 10 games calibration ?

What to do at 10 games calibration ? in General Discussion

    I Recently created this acc and i want to have atleast 4kmmr . im eligible to play Party ranked right now and i dont know what exactly to do to have highest rating possible.
    check my match history here:
    i like playing offlane but i sometimes pick carry for the gpm boosts , what will i do to have highest rating possible ? and how to keep it up until i am able to play solo rank


      you wont calibrate higher by changing your roles, you have to be just good as a player and that's it


        i try to maintain my gpm at atleast 550 when im using offlane. my friends says that having high gpm increases chances of having high mmr too.
        what other thing can i do to increase it ?


          play well


            I've just had my mmr calibrated. I understood 1 thing: the most important thing is hero damage. Try to make it at least about 20k per game.


              what heroes are good for getting atleast 20k HD ? no mid heroes like zeus , sf invoker like that . heroes that are good in offlane and semi-carry


                u can go offlane zeus


                  offlane zeus cant keep 550 gpm atleast


                    instead of spending time trying to cheat the system why not spend that time actually trying to become 4k material.

                    lets say it takes around 200 hours to get a new account and calibrate it. instead of playing 200 hours against 3ks who you learn nothing from, spend 100 hours in matches and 100 hours instead actually learning how to get better and you'd have way more improvement. (or 150/50).

                    even if you did somehow calibrate at 4k mmr, so what? if you actually belonged there, then you could get to it on your main account, and if you couldn't, then you'd drop unless you're one of those dumbasses that never play ranked after calibrating which is basically just admitting that you can't stay at that level.


                      actually i kinda think i spent enough time in dota coz i was playing it casually since 5.54 .
                      the thing i really feel i dont belong in 3k pit which i am in my other acc because the mmr of that acc was calibrated the day mmr system was released and im just a scrub back then , now i feel that ive improved a lot but i cant climb up on the ladder because of the meta right now , thats why i decided to create a new acc and to know where i really belong and im kinda hoping to get some tips on how to improve my mmr at calibrating point


                        If you can't evolve to the newest metta its because your species is dying out.

                        "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~Charles Darwin


                          i can adapt to the meta quick , but the problem is there is no current popular meta right now because of the latest patch
                          one of the acc i created was pure 6.84 and i was spamming carry heroes with high gpm potential which was the popular meta and kept on pushing and trying to avoid teamfights to push as fast as possible
                          i got 3.9k . 2wins 8 lose at calibrating , so its safe to say a carry with prioritizing gpm and pushing will give you atleast 3.9k mmr.


                            Well, the most played heroes of this patch are Lone Druid, Death Prophet, Invoker, Pudge, Chen, Zeus, Spectre, and Dusa.
                            As you can see this is largely a push-motivated lineup, but also encourages alot of team-fighting.
                            Flash farming is out for now, in place of Pushing mostly because of the new jungle setup.

                            I said, as you can see - but I now realize that this isn't a push-motivated lineup from the looks of things, but for some reason, it seems that pushing is the way to go this game, instead of AFK farming/jungling.

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              no you're just deluded. if you've been playing since 5.54 and you're still playing at this level then you're just bad at the game. even being a 4k player would be bad if you've been playing by 5.54

                              you can't climb because you're not good enough, simple as that. making a new account doesn't mean shit. calibration doesn't mean shit if you can't stay there. so after it's taken you 150-200 games to actually get your mmr, you then need to play more games to see if you're actually able to pull your own weight in your new skill bracket, and in that time you could have just played a bunch of games on your main account instead.


                                that's why i said casually, i play for fun back then not competitive. it doesnt mean that if play way back then means i play everytime .


                                  kda gpm are important in calibrating. for those 10 games you'll want to play high impact heroes. i had a friend who calibrated with 10 games in a row SF mid, even though he won 5 and lost 5 the "mmr avg" of each game went up because he had high kda/gpm/dmg. That said he calibrated at 4.5k when his main is 5k, so if all you want is a higher mmr, smurfing might not help.


                                    my KDA is 4.59 and my GPM is 551 right now which is just average :( im trying to find a hero that is a
                                    1. offlane / semi carry . I dont go full carry because i dont have fun playing such heroes .
                                    2. can get a good KDA ratio .
                                    3. can have an average 550 gpm per game without having to farm that much in between ganks .
                                    4. a good Hero damage dealer , which kinda every offlane heroes if present at clash most times


                                      Sorry but, i have to ask. Are you targeting high party mmr or solo mmr?
                                      If you want to have high party mmr then, be better as a team.

                                      Who said support cant have high GPM? I find my calling as a support and i am having fun.
                             --> well come to think of it, my enemies in this game is kinda retard (ez game)
                             --> jakiro again :P

                                      Also be careful when deciding your item build. Just because certain item is great on the hero doesn't mean it will be the best at current game.


                                        Im kinda targeting both
                                        But aiming high gpm everygame is kinda repetitive and boring. I sometimes use my other accs to play and actually have fun. Ive seen supports that are 4k+ after calibrating i guess valve reviews your game and if they qualify you as support . They will check your hero healing , damage , wards and assits basically your gamr impact then put you to your deserving bracket