General Discussion

General DiscussionReading how bad/good your solo q teammates are

Reading how bad/good your solo q teammates are in General Discussion

    I feel like this applies to anyone trying to climb mmr. I think one of the most important and least talked about skills for ALL mmr's, is reading your team mates actual ability in a limited amount of time playing with complete strangers. Some random stranger team mates you can just absolutely stomp with, and some team mates you back up and it puts you way far behind.

    Has anybody figured out a strat for climbing mmr regarding reading your team mates skill, and not just ignoring everyone and trying to carry 1v9.

    Curious. I think this is important to talk about lol.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Whenever I lose it's generally because I didn't play good enough, has nothing to do with 'bad' team mates.

      Paid actor

        Honestly watching your own replays helps extremly much...i was watching a couple of days ago some of my replays where i thought i performed rly well, so at first i just wanted to see how cool i was not that i was there to find my mistakes. Well....WTF!!!!! MY EYES!!!!! WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY!!! oh w8 its me...

        yep, my teammates were rly bad but i was BAD aswell, and trust me i didnt need to search for mistakes to find them. I learned a couple of common mistakes that i hadnt realised before about myself.

        If u want to improve, start watching your own games from a diffrent perspective. Trust me its worth the time.