General Discussion

General Discussionbest silencer build non-mid/non-support build

best silencer build non-mid/non-support build in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    JW what's the best silencer build now that his ult has changed, I don't know how to play him. Any advice on item builds?

    Dire Wolf

      You mean the best carry silencer build? since you put non-mid, non-support.

      Skill wise I'd say it depends on your matchup cus if you have spell spammers Q is awesome but if you don't then it kind of sucks. Either way as a carry you want to max your glaives of wisdom asap. Items atos, scythe, orchid, bloodstone, pretty normal int stuff. I think rushing orchid does wonders for your farm if you can swing it but you'll be super squishy without atos early.


        most heroes don't have the mana to spam spells early on. those that do will simply not cast when they get cursed.

        generally you max Q later on when the enemies have the items and levels to cast more often. last word's damage is reliable and will also slow, allowing you and your team to get extra attacks in, which is effectively adding extra damage to last word because without it, that damage would not have been possible.

        his ult hasn't changed, his Q ability did. previously it would drain mana and damage you if you didn't cast spells, now it does a set amount damage, and does even more damage if you cast spells during the damage over time, so it's basically the opposite.

        while skill builds can vary, almost everyone gets 4 points of last word before level 11. some people go curse + last word for a 4-1-4-2 build by lv 11, others go 1-4-4-2 or completely ignore curse and go 0-4-4-2 and get stats for the rest of the game, but I don't think 4-4-1-2 is a thing.

        imo skipping curse for stats is a mistake with the new curse. the old curse was shit later in the game because it basically wasted your mana by getting removed instantly, but the new one is great for cancelling blinks and the enemy can't afford to simply not cast spells in late game fights to avoid the curse's damage. at the very least you'll force out item usages like a euls if the enemy wants to blink initiate sooner. initial 7s curse and 3s cooldown of blink means that you can cancel blinks for 10 seconds, so get 1 point of it at the very least, because that's also when it costs the least mana.

        for items, force is good for mobility, atos is good since it has no recipe, so it provides 10 int and 100hp and the active for 'free', the slow has a huge cast range.

        dragon lance can be good since you're weak if you're jumped on and you have no innate mobility.

        slahser's way has shadow blade in it for ganking + mobility/escape

        late game hex is pretty obvious. good solo kill potential with shadow blade too. orchid seems good too but then you're spending 7k gold on 0 HP, so it's pretty risky.

        skadi provides lots of stats and also a slow, glaives are not a unique attack modifier anymore. that doesn't mean deso is good though since it only amplfies physical damage, not the pure damage of glaives. octarine gives you lifesteal off glaive's pure damage plus your other spells, 25 int too. theoretically good for tanking up, comparable to skadi probably. if you're unsure it's probably safer to go hex over either of these if you haven't already, hex is a universally good item.

        aghs only applies your new curse to everyone, doesn't increase it's duration anymore so imo it's better for a support silencer who is mostly a 1 button hero later on. if you're right clicking you'd be better off with int items.


          To carry as a silencer your team needs a Nice early and you have to Get as much int you can, it doesnt really matters if you'ré supporting or offlane. The key is being in around when some enemy dies.
          Max your W until lv 7 and buy int itens :D
          Check out one of my lastest games as silencer that you will Get it