General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you initially feel when there is a natures profit pick in you...

What do you initially feel when there is a natures profit pick in your team? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do you feel confident because someone can rat? or do you feel anxious because of teamfights? etc? thoughts?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      I feel that my GPM will be lower than usual, and enemies' will be higher. Also I know for a fact that he won't snipe the courier and that he will aim ulty to last hit my jungle creeps.


        i feel like -25


          I typically feed if i have an afk NP or LC, get the game over with sooner.

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            Jungle = ggungle becuz its gg you lost


              I don't know why NP get's so much hate, granted I see lots of people play him pretty bad. I spam NP a lot and *usually* I am one of the highest performers if not highest performer on my team.

              I don't think his strength lays in ratting anymore like the good ol' shadowblade days, but rather his ability to be anywhere at any time. Pushing a lane, TPing in BEHIND the enemy to cut them off and secure a kill, or to pick off solo enemy's that pushed out too far.

              Good NP's win games


                Good NPs win games but they normally suck. Bad lichs or omniknights win games.


                  The other thing I wanted to say, junglers are bad currently.

                  BUT, NP is one of the only junglers that can get away with it, since he can be in any lane at level 2. Especially if you go null talisman he hits like a mack truck for levels 1-3


                    > one of the highest performers
                    like top 5?


                      I would say Lycan, Ursa, Enigma and Chen are best junglers. Surely not NP who deal no dmg without decent farm.

                      saving private RTZ

                        I feel like suicide. Luckily i live in a house estate


                          NP pickers are SHIT, the hero is good btw

                          Riguma Borusu

                            It's like jungle LC. Some people will get a blink at 7 minutes (after keeping their mid alive for the duration) and imediately start ganking lanes and applying pressure/forcing people to group up. Some people, however, will try to farm up PT blink blademail @ 20 fucking minutes and they win or lose completely depending on their team, with zero impact whatsoever (aside from leeching the gold pool and forcing weak lanes/teamfight for too long). If you see somebody afk jungling for 20 minutes in your game, make sure to lose the game even if you're winning, just so that they lose MMR.

                            With jungle NP, you have players who are very responsive, gank and save people all the time while farming the jungle, they get rat and escape items, don't die that much but push really hard. The thing is, a bad NP will have bad game impact, like a bad LC, as others have said.

                            I like to be proven wrong about NP pickers, and have seen some semi-competent ones even at 2.5k.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              np = bad, hard game
                              same with tinker

                              basically lanes always pushed out, can't find farm and np is even worse cus enemy teams farm the treants.


                                its so obvious to see the answers from 2k players lol


                                  NAtures prophet is good hero. I always buy bkb and linken for him so all those invo-pudges can't touch me, man. And while my push will be incredibly slow and frustrating for enemy team - i will chip your base till your base blows up. Piece!


                                    actually pretty depressed, it is going to be a loss. If he goes offlane and doesn't build Midas then I see a glimmer of hope.

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      He makes Midas and is in the jungle, it's definitely instaGG, those type of natures profit players LOVE stealing kills with their ult.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        just got a jungle NP in my game, ez-25 MMR, lets see how it turns out.

                                        PERUVIAN PSYCHO

                                          Fuzzyfoot: I don't know why NP get's so much hate, granted I see lots of people play him pretty bad. I spam NP a lot and *usually* I am one of the highest performers if not highest performer on my team.
                                          He has 47%with NP in 564 games, AYY LMAOO

                                          play for fan

                                            if he get a dagon in 6 minute and gank mid at least i can win 2 lane and lose 1 but midas = gg end fast

                                            orchid or hex rush = high chance to win if he knows how to play np

                                            but blade mail shadow blade desolator malstrom = gg end fast

                                            aghanim + octarine core = gg end fast because he cant really push he cant gank hes just a shit

                                            jungle NP is not like jungle Lc . jungle lc = 100% gg end fast doesn't matter hes a pro player or a retard
                                            but jungle NP could be a win with a smart player on him

                                            hes very good with spectere tho and spectere is getting picked alot this days

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                                              Toilet Carl IIII
                                              how about

                                              Midas > Linken > BKB >Necro > Aghanim

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I almost lost a easy BH win because the NP would feed sooo much gold into the enemy from trees


                                                  @Fuzzyfoot What is your solo mmr?


                                                    it's about 3.4k right now, I play a lot when I'm drinking lmao.

                                                    I've grinded it up to about 3.9k before but I like to have fun more than playing boring ass heroes for wins that I can drag my team kicking and screaming to.

                                                    You can stomp with NP, but you need to play a lot better than the other team.