General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, Terrorblade.

So, Terrorblade. in General Discussion

    I feel like Terrorblade is a great hero who doesn't get the recognition or popularity he deserves. I don't see a single terrorblade pick in pubs apart from when I do.
    I'm around 2k MMR, and honestly not that great of a player compared to the millions out there, but I hate how he doesn't get picked at all in <4K tiers.
    I've also never seen him included in the hardest carries lists across the interwebz, I don't understand why, is he not amongst the top carries in the game?

    yung griphook

      I'm 2.6k right now, and i used to play him when i was 2k and under and had good success with him. I've played him twice since 6.86 and he's pretty strong again.

      I almost always jungle with him, and perfer that method.

      He's pretty easy to burst down, and can crumble pretty easily if 2-3 heros gank him constantly. I think the glass cannon carries are starting to fade out. Minus a few

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        I like the hero, people under 4k dont like micro heroes people under 5k are bad with micro heroes
        And about the ultra late HC tiers i think hes better than most carries but not top 5, i main naga and when im 6 or 7 slotted i know i already won the match no matter what, with a 6 slotted TB i feel very very strong but not unstoppable

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          I agree that he's a glass cannon, but not after Eye of Skadi, don't you think? I always go for the Treads>Manta>Skadi>Butterfly build, and I usually finish my Skadi at around 28. I don't understand how people call him squishy after he has decent farm and items (which again, is expected of any carry).
          I feel like he's so less squishy than one of the most popular hard carries - Anti Mage, and in my opinion, so much better at wrecking teamfights.


            And I rarely Micro with Terrorblade, is that a wrong approach?
            I usually decide to micro or not depending on the game and enemy heroes.

            yung griphook

              if u get to the point where u have treads manta skadi then you are probably in a good position to win, where it doesnt matter what hero you are.

              if you have a lion bounty hunter coming for you over and over sub 7 minutes, you'll know how squishy he actually is


                ^ I have experienced something similar, and I kinda get your point now lol


                  ^ yep that a problem :P, whis new TB is a better fighter and not just a dedicated split pusher but still you need to micro
                  you can hit around 100 cs per 10 min -> 500 cs at 50 min in a bad match! in good games you can have like 650 cs
                  if you dont micro your illusions you just cant split push properly, this hero can become a heavy rat if you cant win teamfights


                    ^ I actually like your Terrorblade better than his

                    SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                      That's me fucking around with a new account hahahaha my friends are really giving me a hard ass time D;


                        He's a lot better than he was. Better to run him offlane against certain line-ups I find since he does not do well against aggressive dual lanes, but he is fine against an enemy carry and weak laning support. He's also pretty strong if you have another strong laner with you so you can be aggressive because he has a comparitively high amount of right click damage early on.

                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                          ^ I tried running him offlane with max Q vs AM, he got shrekt.

                          saving private RTZ

                            The problem with the fighting build(4-0-4) is that if you fall behind you have no way of coming back.

                            1 point in reflection is enough, maybe 2, then Max Conjure Image and then Meta. With lvl 4 Conjure Image and lvl 8-9 you can hit the jungle and send illusions to kill lanes and pressure(get a QB).

                            Playing him without microing illusions or without illusions as a whole is like playing LD without the Bear or Ursa without fury swipes or Alchemist without Greevil's Greed. You get the idea.

                            He is actually one of the fastest farmer, while also farming pretty safe with jungle rotations+send illus to lanes.

                            My games tend to finish at about 26-30 minutes when i Get my skadi. I think this is his first power spike, when you hit treads, (drums), manta, skadi. Usually we take a good fight and then we just rax them.

                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                              Yes you 4-0-4 if you plan to fight alot/ you're getting more gold from killing heroes than creeps.

                              Usually by level 5 I go 1-[2 or 3]-[2 or 1] [depends if meta cd's when I level/hold it].

                              I still find it hard to go Treads>Drums>Manta>Skadi though D:

                              I go by Yasha>Trav>SnY>Skadi>Manta Q_Q whats wrong with me.


                                Why does he have an arcana! no one even plays the crappy hero