General Discussion

General DiscussionKeeping your last hits up.

Keeping your last hits up. in General Discussion

    Tl;dr When should a position1/2 hero be last hitting creeps and farming lanes by mid/late game?

    By reviewing my games myself, Ive noticed that my last hits tend to fall off the longer the game goes. I tend to play mid or safelane carry most of the time and I personally feel like I should be having more than, say 200 last hits within a 40ish minutes game. I feel this is one of the reasons Im stuck within the 1k mmr bracket and I'm slowly trying to climb out. But Im confused as to when exactly a position 1 or 2 hero should be farming creeps and last hitting when the game reaches to about 30mins and the focus is more on teamfights and pushing towers down.


      farming lanes should be a priority over the jungle since creep wave positioning is important, as creeps are basically mobile wards. if the creep wave is on the enemy side of the map and they aren't farming it, there's a possibility that they're smoke ganking or doing roshan. if you can force teleports, especially on the top lane where it's furthest away from roshan, that gives you time to do roshan or gank someone since the enemy team will be split up.

      you should push out the lanes when it is safe to do so. simplest form of knowing when it's safe is keeping track of who can kill you and roughly how long they've been missing, especially if you're familiar with that hero's mobility, you can have a rough idea of how close they'd be to you if they were to immediately move towards you from their last known position.

      when your team's constantly asking to you group up, fuck em. ignore them. if you've won a fight and the enemy are at a number disadvantage, then you could push an outer tower or two. otherwise keep farming and wait for an opportunity to arise (an enemy getting picked off) instead of trying to force kills by running around the map like a headless chicken, because that's how you lose - by not getting items on carries and not having creep waves pushed out so they aren't hitting towers.


        as much as your team whines, if they fight 4 vs 5, and lose that's their fault for not waiting for you. if you simply get moderately good at farming, you'll probably get to 4k because you'll win so many games purely from having an item advantage over the enemies even if your mechanical skills e.g. reaction times, efficient spell usage etc aren't up to par because if you've got one or even two more big items over the enemy carry all you have to is right click the enemies, and any idiot can do that.

        Farming Simulator

          Here's a tip. If you are the safelane carry and your supports are outzoning the enemy offlaner, control the damn creep waves.
          A decent player can easily keep the creep waves at a stand still while takeing all the farm when the enemy is beeing outzoned.
          Your have has one more creep than the enemy wave? start attacking your creeps once you can and vice versa, always keep the balance and the creep wave will be totally under your control. Sadly, even some 5k cores can not do this...

          Riguma Borusu

            I like how Hero didn't read the thread at all. Well, if you play a carry with a good escape and the map is warded up, and you can afford to farm aggressively, meaning far away from your towers and in their jungle, sure, do it. You want to make sure your team is not underfarmed because you are farming your own jungle. That's one of the ways to keep up your farm, the other ways are simply not wasting time standing around and doing nothing, dying, etc. Lategame dying will keep you from farming for up to two minutes which is huge.

            Dire Wolf

              Your matches are normal skill, 5 cs/min is fantastic for your bracket. You actually are probably farming too much and not picking the right fights to join.


                5 cs a min on a 1 position isn't good. just because it's acceptable for normal skill doesn't mean you should be content with that amount.


                  i recommend u watching streams / replays / live games and follow hero player perspective of the hero u want to learn for farming patterns

                    Этот комментарий удален модератором
                    puni puni butt UWU

                      heroes not on map=hit safer creeps such as warded spots or high ground vision

                      heroes on map=hit land creeps where the heroes are not


                        Farm unless you can take an objective with ease, if so, take it and return to farming. Same with killing an enemy, only go to teamfights if there is kill potential. Try to keep track of the enemies, if they are missing how many and for how long. In low skill like me the support buys 2 wards at the beginning but you'll have to buy the rest - its worth 75 gold to not die for 6 at least 6 mins, you can get 750 gold in that time but 0 gold if you are dead, plus when you die you lose gold, plus the enemy gains gold.


                          Wow the response here is amazing and every reply has been so helpful! Thank you so much Dotabuff community!

                          Dire Wolf

                            Depends on the hero. Obviously it's not good if you go battlefury on jug and don't break 5 cs/min or on medusa or something. But on a wraith king or s&y jug who is focused on fighting sooner it's fine.

                            It's also a guideline, I want to hit 50 cs by min 10 minimum, then 120 by min 20, it ramps up as game goes longer. It also depends a shit ton on your team. Tell me how I was supposed to farm more this match with a radiance tide with 500 cs. A lot of 2k games will have 5 carries all fighting for farm. Hard to farm when jungle is always cleared and waves pushed out.


                            Natsuki Subaru

                              Here's your MMR tips:
                              1.) DotA is a farming game, don't force ganks you can't do, just farm if you can't gank, spread your lead from the equilibrium of both sides.
                              2.) KNOW HOW TO BACK AND WHEN TO BACK! In your MMR, not dying is crucial, almost as crucial as 0 deaths win you the game, you're that much more farmed therefore stronger later on.
                              BACKING is an art, always look for the best way to retreat to.
                              3.) Mute your team as much as possible, them forcing you to stick is half-assed economy play. You play your hero, you should always refuse to commit on what you think is a mistake, and you avoid your own mistakes else learn from it and NEVER EVER do it again in a single game. NOT DYING IS AN ART, FIND FARM when you have no farm ( not necessarily gold only, if you can't farm gold, leech xp)