General Discussion

General DiscussionRip Darkterror the Faceless Wonder?

Rip Darkterror the Faceless Wonder? in General Discussion

    I've tried to make new void a blink initiator, I've tried carry and seen carry and seen carry tried nothing works... what is he now?

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      PT - Aquila - Vanguard - Manta - Radiance with this build you can even go mid


        So make him an iniating semi carry now?

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          You can play him anywhere, in my last game I got a Void support and it worked

          Sexo Meister

            What is the manta for? Extra dmag inside chrono?

            Also no aghs!?


              yeah make radiance on void now


                Radiance void is super good

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                    Why not just build manta and radiance on every agility carry then.

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        Building tankiness is now worth it on void because he's literally cancer to deal with if you don't have strong burst or lockdown, or if your stuns have too long of a CD (and he also counters low cd stuff as well), because then he can just waltz around the fight slowly killing everyone (remember when void was built to SLOWLY kill everyone before 6.86? Me neither). Manta's good on him right now if they have silences or typical orchid builders because he has an escape/survival spell, kind of almost like antimage, and since you're going to build tankier/durably anyway, you can also use illusions to split push. What I like about the hero is that now you can be way more creative with builds and win in different ways, he did use to be a two trick pony, one is going aghs refresher to combo with sniper/jakiro/whatever, and the other is building a hyper damage build where you drop boots lategame for another damage item, which no longer seems to be necessary most games.

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                          radiance sounds extremely retarded


                            My last game with Void. I picked it against PA cos hes a natural mkb carrier, but Time Dilation also worked against TA in teamfights cos she couldnt spam her spells, which made her a big creep.

                            IMO he is buffed now but ppl dont see it. With Battlefury which regenerates mana u can spam your Time Walk every 6 secs between camps, and farm very fast. Just like AM. The only nerf is that Time Walk is now very short but it backtracks damage taken last 2 seconds.

                            Time Dilation is freakin OP against spell spammers like: Timbersaw, TA, Bristleback, etc.

                            Apart from this nothing changed, he still needs a decent support and some space to farm.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              But right now he can do a ton of shit with just levels because he has more utility spells, so he's not as easy to gank as he used to be and he can contribute more to the early fights which was his major weakness before the buff.


                                Wow so I was just playing him wrong thanks guys I'll try this new manfight void!

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I agree with kitrak go tanky, skip the normal farm/glass cannon shit like mask of madness, maelstrom, crystalis. With s&y and hod no one will be able to kill you then you get aghs and team fight around your ult all day. Just make sure your team brings ranged dmg obviously. Offlane is his best position now.

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                                    Have anyone tried playing FV using the AM way?