General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked calibration first 10 games

Ranked calibration first 10 games in General Discussion

    Hey i just hit 50exp trophy earlier and when i played my first game in calibration i only got calibrated at 3.4k avg mmr but all of my games before getting 50 exp trophy is all VHS why did i only got calibrated at 3.4k avg in my first game?


      You've played 10 games already? your profile shows only 3 ranked games O_O


        No i mean i'm asking is it really normal to get around HS level at my first 10 ranked games when i'm always at VHS before even going into rank?


          oh so it suddenly became HS?
          I think you should finish the 10 games, i think it's just calibrating it'll put u where u are after like 4 or so games.


            Oh i see. Do i need to win the games or i just really need to perform well like having good kda,gpm,xpm and the likes? Is it more important to have performance rather than winning but having really poor performance?


              I'm not sure i heard it was having good kda and winning.
              Supps with no deaths would calibrate high too is all i know.


                Oh i see then i'll just try my best to have good kda,xpm,gpm and win too in all of my games hoping that i wouldn't get queued with too much toxic players. it's hard to play when you're trying your best to win and toxic players just go full retard and ruin the game.


                  Well when I wana play seriously i usually go in a game, mute everyone and just play my game.
                  If your team gets a kill give them some >well played or >don't give up.
                  If your team is shit talking or flaming it's good to not know that they're doing that haha.

                  Holy Roman Empire

                    Winning > GPM or what ever


                      u dropped to HS because your most recent games in NMM were poorly played.

                      WoDota is wrong, winning/losing barely matters in the calibration period, just play decently urself. The outcome doesnt matter at this point.


                        Oh i see that's what i thought i really tried hard in the last games that i played before going into calibration but deym i got queued too much with toxic players.


                          u lsoe 6 match in a row = derank