General Discussion

General DiscussionAM Linkens before Manta vs LC

AM Linkens before Manta vs LC in General Discussion

    ^Is it worth it?

    I did it this game Other team had quite a few mistakes so I was able to capitalize on that but I'm not sure if I was able to create space for myself because I took linkens before manta. (My progression was BF>Vlads>Linkens>Manta>Bfly)

    Has anyone tried this?


      LC without blademail and you care about duel?


        No, but having linkens in your itembuild is perfectly viable.

        Legion can't duel AM in the first place unless she has shadowblade


          I dunno maybe not bad if lc was so troublesome?
          If he wasnt u just wasted money. Also if u couldve just manta dodged him u might've not needed to waste that much money

          Riguma Borusu

            "LC without blademail and you care about duel?"

            Why would you need blademail to kill antimage? If you've had any farm you can kill him, he's squishy as fuck.

            "Legion can't duel AM in the first place unless she has shadowblade"

            How so?

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Manta is good enough to dodge a Duel gank actually.

              Riguma Borusu

                AM's blink has a longer animation than duel, so even if he mantas right away if you see the one blinking out you can duel him if you're fast enough. It really boils down to ping and reflexes.

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                    Unless... Unless... Lc builds force staff 4Head


                      its ok
                      i dont think u need vlds if u plan to go linkens tho it feels like a wste

                      Riguma Borusu

                        If I want to invest into lategame as LC I build abyssal, it's a great item either way, but it also lets you break the linkens in the second most expensive way. And if you can shift queue blink+abyssal you can kill anyone if you can manfight them.

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                        play for fan

                          no no no
                          5k gold for linken really ? u can even get heart instead linken before manta with 5k gold

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                            Yeah I bought vlads when my team was falling apart and didn't think I could sustain farming the lanes, then we won one big team fight and swung gold and xp right back in our favor (@26 mins).

                            Manta dodge seems reasonable I guess. Maybe I should've done that instead. It's just that I was so scared of being locked down because killing me would make them win the game.

                            Also "LC without blademail and you care about duel?" they were roaming a lot with lc, even a pugna + lc combo could wreck me easily before I had my secondary items after BF

                            Livin' Real Good

                              I like Abyssl Blade on Legion. They always think they're safe and sound with Linkens, then I press the attack, blink in, IMMEDIATELY abyssl blade into duel, and break the linkens just before they blink away (cause of blinks start up frames) and they're like " WTF!? I HAD LINKENS!!!" IN ALL CHAT.

                              Even funnier when they let me duel them on purpose cause they just got their fresh new linkens, only to be surprised. LOL


                                U would go linken if i go vs pudge

                                puni puni butt UWU

                                  I WANNA FUCk kashima