General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf safety zone?

Smurf safety zone? in General Discussion

    Is there a certain MMR I have to reach that ensure I don't run into smurf players who's main account is 2.1k?
    Whats is the highest they usually get? I need to target to aim for.


      5k+ is almost smurf free or they r good

      King of Low Prio

        I'd assume upper 4k you stop getting low end smurfs and get some 6k+ players on new smurfs


          in low 4k there are like 3-4 smurfs every game


            most smurfs calibrate in mid 4ks, 5k+ is totally smurf-free besides those ones who actually smurf from higher ratings.


              smurf calibration is capped at ~4.8, pro players calibrated their smurfs around this rating

              in 5k there are account buyers


                4999 is calibration cap


                  when i mentioned smurfs in 5k+, i meant those ones who already calibrated lower and grind mmr fast cz they are better than shitty 5ks.


                    i remember the times when 3k players could calibrate 5k accounts

                    silly goofy gaming

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