General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo support

Solo support in General Discussion

    What's the best hero to solo support ?


      Probably nuker/disabler sups like cm/lina and roamers like bh n mirana but it all depends on other picks and the tardness of ur cores


        maybe ogre

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            u better pick 5th carry than solo support

            PINOY DOTO


              Best farm, best map control.


                Probably hero that doesn't need farm, cuz I imagine if you pick something like sk or shaker you never gonna get that dagger you know.

                waku waku

                  it's pointless. no matter how hard i try to solo support i never feel like "if i picked that hero instead of this one we would have won". just pick another carry


                    Don't become one of those who whine all game "I'm solo support I can't do anything". I play solo support all the time and everytime I see someone whine about it I wanna shoot them. Here is a example how solo support can win game


                      And yeah to answer your question probably oracle if you play it right.


                        ^Where is there solo support?? Enigma usually pos 4, sk pos 3-5, pugna pos 3-5, oracle pos 1-5 They should have by far enough supports

                        7Mad About You

                          Riki best warding invisible hero


                            In that game SK was offlane, Pugna mid and Enigma jungle. Which leaves me as solo support.


                              There are two things to consider when going solo support: mana cost and mobility.

                              Some supports have one or both covered at level 1.

                              Take Winter Wyvern, she is not fast and has expensive spells and therefore she may have trouble keeping wards, couriers up while at the same time getting her arcane boots (or soul ring, traq boot)

                              Now take Lion, he has a mana regen spell but he is slow as shit so he has one covered needing brown boots to roam

                              There are two heroes that have decent move speed and a mana regen spell: Lich and KOTL. So imo if your teammates have picked 4 cores and also perhaps there is an invis hero on the other team then one of these two can spend all the gold on support and still get by.

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                              PINOY DOTO

                                OR you can just play techies.

                                Step 1. Hide and plant mines. Never show up on the map to enemies - so no need for mobility.

                                Step 2. Get Arcane boots & soul ring

                                Ez mana ez mines ez life.

                                Step 3. 6k mmr

                                You are welcome.

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                                  But my techies suck


                                    In one word? Lich. And, Lich.

                                    Definitely, Lich. Lich, without a doubt.




                                      Buy Dagons.

                                      waku waku

                                        ok here's an example of how solo supporting doesn't do shit
                               enemy dazzle was so tryhard and solo support yet he somehow lost to me sucking at solo supporting as pudge


                                          Please report [Lk].Zano for buying Dagon.

                                          Please report every support on buying Dagon.

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                                              I have solo supported as lich for countless of games (solo support rubick almost never worked out hence my low winrate with him)


                                                aa is pretty good position 5


                                                  If you're doing pub, the thing to consider is your income to buy wards,sents,meks,early courier,and any other support items-
                                                  So i actually prefer Dazzle for solo supporting since his skill 3 can be an effective farming skills on spare time- and his other skills really fulfill supporting role (Nuke,Heal,Pshyical Defense,Escape with Shallow Grave+Tp) for his mana issue, he actually have a great int growth and if that's not enough, arcane will do help u and also ur teams


                                                    I'm surprised that only one of you mentioned Omniknight. This hero is best solo support without a doubt. Give him 4 cores and even megacreeps can't stop you:

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!