General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to timbersaw?

Tips to timbersaw? in General Discussion
твоя мамка

    I want to try new offlane hero, and i think timbersaw fits my playstyle well. After recent nerfs to doom i want to get one more hero in my offlane heropool. I do understand that i timbersaw fits team with disables and crowd-control and against teams with str-based heroes or cores who will build stats or illusion-based.
    Can anybody here suggest some tips, vods, etc. to start with? Complete beginner on this hero.


      dont pick him against void

      твоя мамка

        thats it? man, you got 800+ games on timbersaw, you should be able to give atleast few tips.


          im just busy now and only gave u the most recent thing i learnt in this patch.
          void is the worst hero to play against by far. i would prefer to deal with 5 silencers at a time, honestly.

          ill post some stuff tomorrow. if u have any questions besides just "how do i play timbersaw in general", u can post them now, ill read it when i come online.


            He don't owe you shieeeeeet.

            Continuing the trend, build bloodstone.

            D the Superior
              Этот комментарий удален модератором
              Travis Doodles

                How can you stack that losing streak on timber? wakakak


                  Buy diffusal blade.


                    Timbersaw's just not a good hero til they add more trees inside the base. You either snowball hard enough for it not to matter, or you end up being nigh useless in high ground defense/pushes.


                      If you are able to win without selling the mango you buy as part of your starting items it's a really good feeling. That little mango goes through thick and thin with you providing a constant 1hp regen through the whole game.


                        ^ most of the time you sell it to make room for when you're building bloodstone/aghs/shivas tho :(


                          ^ naw got to eat it 100% of the time. Managing your mana in such a way that you don't run out half way through a fight is for plebs who didn't buy mangos.

                          Pale Mannie

                            I heard Blink is good for Timber

                            OpenAI 3 (Bot)

                              HAIL HITLER! BURN IN HELL YOU BLACK SLAVES


                                i will mostly talk about item progression for timber, and some tips

                                for starting items u might want to get stout double mango tango branch. this gives u shit ton of regen during laning combined with ur passive (up to 12 regen with 5 stacks of passive + tango). this makes you pretty survivable at lane and make u able to trade hits even tho u have 0 armor.

                                what u skill at lv 1 depends on the situation. in normal skill i almost always skill reactive armor most of the time, simply bcoz kill trilanes with high rate of success are rare and at most the supports will just spam me with right clicks anyway. trade hits if u can bcoz ur regen is godlike and u get 5 armor at full stack. however they are still times where u might want to get that chain at lv 1.

                                then u will want to get arcane boots. u can choose to go for energy booster before boots, but that's only when u think you've won ur lane already and it's impossible for the enemy to kill. otherwise most of the time you will want boots

                                after this you will want your bloodstone somewhere around from 14-20 min mark. 14-16 bloodstones are rly good, while 17-20 are really, meh. imo going for point booster before soul ring is a recommended (not mandatory) because for a hero like timbersaw who wants to be in front of fights u wont rly be using soul ring until you get at least 1k health. at most you will be using it to harass ppl with chakram once u hit six. once u got both, get a vit booster, then after 1 last use of ur arcanes, disassemble it to have a soul booster. soul booster helps u more than arcs in the long run.

                                after bloodstone there are 3 scenarios that will happen
                                1) ur rekting everyone: get a blink and aghs, both items are "win more" pickups, blink mainly for chasing down ppl and getting off that point blank chakram (mid range chakrams are hard to hit with at first) while aghs just ensure you secure every single kill ever. after that u might want aether lens/sheep/BoT/shivas

                                2)game is even ground: get an aether lens, starting off with a cloak and rebuilding your arcane boots (it helps ur team) then disassemble it once u get ring of health. after that u might want a sheep/aghs/blink, but most of the time i go aghs then never go blink and just build sheep

                                3)u fucked up big time: u got ur bloodstone on the 25th minute, and u probably lost the game alr, but u can still get cheap pos 3 items like glimmer, ghost scepter, and euls, they provide utility for ur team and doesnt cost much

                                i pretty much just copied TripleSteal's build and way of play :^)


                                  ez. I rarely lose, but when I do, its 7 losses in a row.

                                  hes okay for pubs, and you gonna see him mid a lot in this patch due to tree structure changes on this lane, the new rune and some other stuff. if you fall behind, you can easily catch up though, if u play this hero correctly.

                                  @ayy lmao
                                  thanks, but I feel useless now :D

                                  Mos Likely

                                    Beauty of timber-saw is 6 slots is never enough so just go with the flow of the game.

                                    My item progression in general is :

                                    -Stout, tango, salve, ward (buy your own if support doesn't get it)

                                    after this i pick up boots --> arcanes ---> stick --> wand --> cloak (situational but tbh i get it most of the time)

                                    Then its bloodstone time ----> Glimmer Cape ---> Scepter ---> Travels ---> Shivas/Hex (in some order) ---> Octarine/Abyssal

                                    DO NOTE THAT I HAVE A FETISH FOR GLIMMER CAPE... glimmer walk to a solo guy farming and drop everything on him (2 chakrams and ur other spells) usually results in a kill, hex just confirms it and is great for the slippery ones. Abyssal is good too as i'm a strong believer of BYO stuns and works great of course when the bkbs do come out.

                                    Other people prioritise utility or mobility over scepter but it has more or less never failed me.... dmg burst is great and defending high ground is awesome. Once you get familiar with it, its basically a great zoning tool as well to "usher" you prey into the area you want him to be for that instant chain whirl burst.

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      I rarely play earth spirit now that timber is buffed and earth spirit lost one of his biggest selling points

                                      I played a match as earth a while ago and the pull nerf is really big after all

                                      They should've just reduced it to half range pulls without ages

                                      Timber is so fun to play too god dang it


                                        Jesus Christ it's aghs not ages lol

                                        Kinda like before where I said ape damage instead of aoe damage

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!