General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp how to make my phone stop talking

Help how to make my phone stop talking in General Discussion
lm ao

    Hello guys when I browse the net with my secondhand LG smartphone some shitty female voice - strongly reminds me of the miser of a clerk of the civil registry or your witch school principal - reads aloud the text of the webpage from top to bottom in the most annoying fashion you can ever conceive. I was lazy that time and I supposed it would just sh*t up if I had the phone on mute but I tried to adjust the volume with the buttons on the side, it doesnt even damn fvcking work for the love of God.

    I guessed it had to do with text-to-speech input, so I tinkered some of the settings but TTSI method was turned of by default, therefore it had nothing to do with this terrible problem

    Pls guys help me I want to assault TripleSteal's dignity by exchanging homm0 phobic statements with him without the phone having to read it aloud to the rest of the peeps here and put me into an awkward situation that will threaten my machismic interior. I want to view g ay p0rrrn completely out of curiosity but stupid phone reads aloud stuff too sexy ever to be mentioned in this valiant forum - only for the walls of my comfort room to amplify the audio to comprehensible earshot for the peeps next door to enjoy. Goodbye my machismic interior.

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    the realm's delight

      i like talking to siri

      the realm's delight

        but when i ask it "how long is my penis" it says "i dont know how to respond to that"

        lm ao

          Not siri 3Head

          Its a fucking LG wudhauifawugfgaigfahsuifhusaghuisaf stupid phone shouldn hav picked that up


            rofl get rekt

            lm ao

              Need helpful thoughts not bullshit from trench warrior 4k


                yea, stop talking allison

                < blank >

                  tell her that she looks fat in those jeans


                    siri is da bitch

                    lm ao

                      bump wont stop yet