General Discussion

General DiscussionWW3 soon?

WW3 soon? in General Discussion

    this is annoying i need google translate to read dotbuff nnow

    D the Superior
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          waku waku

            death and destruction is exactly what we need right now

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              D the Superior
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                  Allahu Akbar

                  waku waku

                    nah they don't shoot or bomb civillians anymore (probably)

                    and i'm not a hot anime girl even if i wanted to be one so i can't get raped


                      I bet you havent even been raped b4

                      waku waku

                        it honestly is a bigger fear for me than being gunned down or having a bomb fall on me


                          Blood is a good lubricant.


                            ^exactly what i was looking for, thanks

                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                i mean the vid

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                                D the Superior
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                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                    waku waku

                                      then please don't forget to kill me before raping me. thanks


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                                        D the Superior
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                                          waku waku

                                            So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
                                            And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

                                            By it my religion is glorified, and tyranny is laid low.
                                            So, oh my people, awake on the path of the brave.
                                            For either being alive delights leaders, or being dead vexes the enemy.

                                            Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
                                            The path of fighting is the path of life.
                                            So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
                                            And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

                                            So arise, brother, get up on the path of salvation,
                                            So we may march together, resist the aggressors,
                                            Raise our glory, and raise the foreheads
                                            That have refused to bow before any besides God.

                                              Этот комментарий удален модератором


                                                Allahu Akbar means God is greater in arabic language and muslims around the globe say that every day dozens of times if not hundreads in their prayers (5 times a day) and pretty much anytime they remember their creator, during the day and night.

                                                Its not something to mock about. only fools and ignorant people do that, and i know you are no fool.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                waku waku

                                                  yes but islamic terrorists absolutely love saying that when something's about to blow. for real


                                                    im fool and ignorant, and overall retarded
                                                    allahu akbar

                                                    D the Superior
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                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        russians will wipe out the human race

                                                        D the Superior
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                                                            actually i dont see any sense in not lauging at certain jokes just because the topic is too serius, or it touches someone's feelings, or w/e

                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                making jokes about recent tragedies in turkey is just plane wrong

                                                                waku waku

                                                                  man, all these jokes about bombings, 9/11...they just blow

                                                                  Father Jack from Marketing

                                                                    The very FIRST thing I do when worried about global security is come to the dotabuff forums to discuss difficult geopolitical theories with like-minded scrubs.


                                                                      ^hahaha. well said


                                                                        Soultrap, the US is not monolithic.

                                                                        Many people here recognize that Obama is supporting terrorists, but it's not enough to remove him from power. I have heard local discussions on radio and TV every day since the Paris attacks of how to impeach him - but no one thinks there are enough votes to do it.

                                                                        Obama has spent about $500 million supporting ISIS with weapons and payments to "syrian rebels" - which all really go to ISIS. We trained 200,000 Syrians how to use the weapons we gave them... 4 guys actually remained to fight for the US all the rest became "syrian rebels".

                                                                        Meanwhile Obama protects ISIS from real attacks while pretending to attack them. He will annouce a bombing run to ISIS, follow it up with dropping leaflets first so everyone can get out of the area, then 45 min later he will do the attack only if he can be confident no one will be there. If anyone sticks around their death is on their own head since they had plenty of warning to leave.

                                                                        Sometimes there are real attacks against ISIS because they are under the leadership of Kurdish Iraqi Christians who actually want to destroy ISIS. The US wont' stop them, but we don't give the Kurds air support anymore because they are actually attacking. We only let a couple special ops guys help them.

                                                                        Russia says its bombing ISIS while Obama claims they are targeting our "moderate Syrian allies". Obama has lied about everything else he has said for his entire Presidency. Why should we believe him instead of Putin? Morever Kurdish sources agree with the Russians characterization of the situation - while Obama's own Pentagon officials say they have been ordered to fake the intelligence on ISIS.

                                                                        The spies are begining to revolt against Obama since it's clear he doesn't want to win.

                                                                        Obama was funding ISIS before it had even declared itself the new Caliphate. He sent them money and weapons through Libya, to Turkey, and then to ISIS. This is why they killed the US ambassador who was a CIA agent - trying to cover up the money and weapons transfers to ISIS. This is what the Benghazi attack was about. This is why all the American militarry groups who tried to save ambassador Stevens were ordered to stand down. The commader of the carrier group in the Mediteranean launched aircraft to support - they were ordered back. Special ops in Germany were running to their planes when they were ordered back. Special ops in Libya were ordered back. The security personal at the consulate were removed. The machine guns defending the place were removed. The ambassador sent Hillary Clinton (his boss) over 600 requests for security in the preceding 3 months - all were denied. The mercs who did actually go to defend Benghazi were also ordered back, but ignored orders.

                                                                        This is not just a Democrat thing either. The Republicans on the House Commitee on Homeland Security, were informed. John Beohner was informed and did nothing - he let Hillary get away with it. He has been fired now and his protege McCarthy as well. Hillary Clinton deleted 60,000 emails for a reason.

                                                                        We assasinated our own ambassador to try to hide the fact that the US was funding and arming ISIS. You have to understand that Turkey supports ISIS. We should be allied with Russia against the Islamists - but that's a hard shift to make because the US has been against Russia for over half a century.

                                                                        Obama has also worked out an insane deal to give Iran nuclear weapons. Iran failed to refine the U-235 they need. They have been trying to do it since the 1970s, but they don't have the right equipment. Because their latest efforts have failed again, they turned to the US for help. The deal states that Iran will scrap 27,000 old centrifuges and buy new ones. We are giving them $150 billion for the program from assets frozen when the Ayatollah took over decades ago.

                                                                        Many people in the US oppose Obama's support for terrorism. But many also would deny that he is doing any of this. The US is not a monothilic country.

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                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          to read or not to read


                                                                            that is the question


                                                                              and the answer is


                                                                                D the Superior
                                                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                    no idea


                                                                                      i thought that it's dark souls but the interface is different

                                                                                        Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                          All of the nations of the world have been evil for all of history. The more powerful a nation is the more evil it is able to perpetrate.
                                                                                          Stalin killed millions of people in the USSR. Mao killed millions of people in China. And in the US, while we did stop slavery in 1800s - the past century we made it legal for people to kill their own children... that count is up to over 58 million deaths.

                                                                                          Turkey killed millions of Armenians. Germany killed millions of Jews. Millions were killed in Rhawanda in the 90s. Millions were killed in Cambodia in the 70s.

                                                                                          This is not a new thing. Millons died in the conquest of Central and South America by the Spanish (to diseases). Millions were killed in the conquest of everything from Persia to Spain by the Muslims. Millions were killed in the conquest of the Levant by the Crusaders multiple times. Millions were killled by the Huns conquest of half of Europe. Millions were killed by the Mogols conquests... by the Tamurids, by the Romans, by the Greeks before that, by the Persians before that, by the Babalonians before that, by the Assyrians before that, by the Egyptians before that... by the Isrealites, by the Edomites, by the Elamites... as far back as there is history it is the same.

                                                                                          Right now, however Islamists are trying to conquer the world and kill everyone who opposes them. For some reason, the American President is doing everything he can to help them. Some people say he is a Muslim - if he is he hides it very well. Regardless he is clearly on the side of the terrorists and most likely we are stuck with him for another year. Efforts to remove him from office have been only discussed by a handful of people in congress with the power to actually do it. Most just want to try to use his support for terrorists to defeat the Democrats in the next election instead of stopping him now.

                                                                                          It should be obvious that Russia conquered the part of Ukraine they needed for control of the oil. Techinically this should put the US at war with Russia because of the treaty we made to protect Ukraine when they gave up their nuclear weapons. But since the US president did not want to honor that treaty and no one else did either (China and Russia also signed it)... we are now faced with the fact that the Islamists are a more important common enemy and the situation with Russia conquering smaller nieghbors will have to wait. Technically since Turkey is a NATO ally the US should also side with Turkey against Russia according to what we signed in treaties... but that makes even less sense.

                                                                                          Instead we should kick Turkey out of NATO... probably just dissolve NATO anyway since it was for the Cold War against the USSR, and ally with Russia and China against ISIS. China has their own Islamic terror problems - they don't talk about it much. But they are ready to fight against the Caliphate as well... just not too publically.


                                                                                          Everybody wants ISIS taken out (except Obama), but no one wants to be fully responsible for getting it done. Maybe Russia and France will take care of the problem, they certainly could on their own... or more likely they will just wait for the new US president. No one wants to get into a position where they are fighting the US and Obama is protecting ISIS. So I expect no serious move will be made to defeat ISIS until we get a new Commander in Chief for America.

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                                                                                            Relentless true identity confirmed: Alex Jones


                                                                                              @Classic or Master
                                                                                              Some info about site you refering to:
                                                                                              "Founded in 2010, IMR is located in New York City and is an affiliate of the Open Russia movement. IMR is a federal tax-exempt Section 501(c)(3) public charity, incorporated in New Jersey."

                                                                                              Also, you may be surprised, but we have many supporters of Stalin in Russia, and they perfectly know how many people were killed by his orders.


                                                                                                i mean its not really "russia" who was implicated in the war of ukraine, more like "some people" of it


                                                                                                  ALLAHU AKBAR

                                                                                                  الله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبرالله أكبر

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                                                                                                    I listen to this song 24-7 for years
