General Discussion

General DiscussionLightningbolt's Shrink Session

Lightningbolt's Shrink Session in General Discussion

    Lately i have been seeing more and more aggressive and agitated people who are calling gg and giving up if the game doesn't go entirely their way, if you know you are this way, then post here your thoughts on why you do it, i wish to cure this negativity from the Dota community, help me in my quest.

    the realm's delight



        I never quit games, even if the internet fails and Valve gives me an abandon, even if all 4 of my team quit - I keep fighting and trying to reconnect until the ancient is dead or the game is canceled by Valve.

        On the one hand its just disrecpectful to my team and to the enemy as well to deny them the full dota experience. If anyone still wants to play, I believe you should stay with the profound commiment formally ratified by clicking the green ACCEPT button with the ominously consequenctial music playing to connote the gravity of your decision.

        Besides this, I really enjoy trying to win games that appear to be certain losses. It frees you from a lot of pressure to avoid mistakes. So stay and go for the agies steal, try the crazy port-to-a-dominated-creep backdoor move, get divine rapiers, and micro allies as best you can to try to make a play and win the impossible game.
        Recently I almost won a game like this 2 v 5 when my team started fighting over lanes before the game and then promptly began to quit when they died. But with just Slardar and Krobelus remaining, and microing the others we held out against Silencer, Invoker, LC, NS, and Tusk for over 42 minutes gaining a 31-27 endgame score and almost taking some T2 towers. If only I was not also having terrible lag spikes in a couple critical fights we might have had a chance to win 2 v 5. Sometimes Valve really seems to want to enforce that 50% winrate.

        The question I often face is, how can I make the quiters on my team stay and get the feeders to focus and take mistakes seriously. These two seem to be at cross-purposes because the feeders are more likely to stop feeding if harshly critizised (unless they are truly incompetent, in which case there is no hope for improvement)... but the quiters need encouragement. And sometimes a player is both a feeder and a quiter. So how do you get anything out of such a person? They may not respond to positive or negative inducements.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          I feel you bro, I've had a match like that once too, we managed to bring achieve the comebacks, never give up, i feel like the greatest cancer in this game is no hero or race, its ignorance, people that are too ignorant that only do one role, play one hero, and have only one thought.
          Why are they ignorant? I feel it's because they want to win, they are in a mentality that this is more than just a competitive game, for them it's a life, they have to win, and so they close their mind to everything else in order to win. I feel like if they were to open up more, treat this as just another game and actually enjoy it to it's full potential, that their vision wouldn't be so obscured, and that they would find themselves playing better, winning more and not feeling negative in games even if they lose

          plz do

            whats a shreak session? or did u mean shrink session?


              shreak 4Head


                I'm not for blaming people, but blame the Auto-Correct.


                  I find this Relentless guy fucking hilarious, the way he talks, his heart touching words, my heart melts reading his paragraphs but then you find out that he is sub 3k and then the fun is over.


                    The negativity is everywhere, not just in lower brackets, i feel it's good people like relentless are being positive in this area and i hope other people open up too. If more people were like that we'd have a lot easier time getting out of the trench.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      im negative as fuck cos i been losing.

                      just.. when i was getting close to high skill games *sigh* git gud is hard.

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo OP i suggest we join forces, add me up as well so i can spy on ur gamez :]