General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo for climbing MMR?

Meepo for climbing MMR? in General Discussion

    I have been thinking about trying to learn this hero. I know it would be a big investment and take a lot of time to become competent with this hero but I think all the work could pay off in the end as he is a great pub stomper. Any advice from currently successful Meepo players or people that have tried to learn him and given up?

    D the Superior
      Этот комментарий удален модератором

        baby has born..


          le bump

          yung griphook

            im pretty sure teams right now are banning meepo so W33 cant play it against them

            if you get to that level im sure its worth it


              Ah Shiny!


                My profile is proof for meepo climbing mmr, i've gone from 1.4k solo mmr to today current 2800, in october i've climbed excess of 500 mmr, i took breaks from dota before october and played lots of unranked, climbing so fast currently.


                if you do learn meepo just for ranked climbing, remember to not become dependant on him, sometimes you'll be up against some pretty impossible lineups and have to change your hero.


                  ^lmao hi envy


                    First blood... In flamesssss.

                    Echoooo slllllllllll...


                      Great thing about playing Meepo is that it is challenging in of itself. So even if you lose you can feel that you'll improve for the next game. You don't really get that from low skill floor heroes.


                        1person? U guys use thesme hero hehe...

                        lm ao

                          Im a dog


                            lol, he is my brother


                              Meepo is probably the worst hero to be spammed
                              It used to be good for climbing mmr when ranked was old all pick and not with turns imo... you could last pick him every game
                              And you can climb with pretty much any hero if you invest the same amount of time and effort
                              Tl;dr: it's not worth it


                                play what you like, and sometimes even if you lose you like the hero - then keep spamming it until you get good or lose 800 mmr 4HEad


                                  I tried one bot game then gave up

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    meepo isn't really that good at stomping pubs.

                                    If you just want to learn a hero that stomps pubs and grinds you mmr then here is the list:
                                    - Current Meta heroes
                                    - Templar Assassin
                                    - Tinker
                                    - Invoker
                                    - SF


                                      - sLARK


                                        I think TA might be the one for me, gotta start practicing dat 1v1 mid.


                                          yea slark


                                            i think TA is one of the best to climb mmr, now i have a 6 streak win spamming her, but now i have 3000 of ping and i can't play :'(

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              I'd say:

                                              Templar Assassin
                                              Night Stalker
                                              I would of said Storm before the nerfs.

                                              -300 bobo

                                                I'm always pick XPM GPM high xD andd.. Ember my favorite still imba


                                                  You can climb with literally any hero if you put in the effort to understand them properly.