General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Heroes Combination

Best Heroes Combination in General Discussion

    Hello guys,
    Please share your thoughts on best combination of 5 heroes that can literally wreck hard in pub.

    Hail Gaben.


      dark seer/ww + some aoe shit

      and doom.


        earthspirit+ bloodcyka

        Riguma Borusu

          dark seer


          Works from 0.0k to 0.1k though


            Undying + Dazzle is a great combo , anything works with these two.


              U r lucky since i have idle time on my hands here comes a big post. Hope u can take something away from it.

              Bara (aggro dual / roam) creates space, creates heavic in fights
              Silencer (aggro dual) gets 1st aghs and makes refresher
              Alchemist (safelane farmer or midlane farmer) NOT radiance build but treads, solar, aghs
              A midlaner who can deal alot of dmg (QoP, Zeus, Wind) or a semicarry in the sidelane
              A support with laneharras, Aghsupgrade and teamfight (AA, WD, Venomancer etc)
              basically 4 events will occur in the matter of 5 minutes: silencer maxes curse (lvl10) silencer gets lvl 2 uli (lvl 11) silencer finishes refresher (after treads he rush it) silencer get aghs from alche. this will occur about 20-30 minutes in game and i sinceerly beliefe ur enemys cant win a teamfight. just charge in and when they turn on bara u global. if they bkb u bara ulti etc. enemy must run and u get kills. cant manfight bara alche in frontline without spells.

              OD+Undying+Ogre (defensive astral + tombstone makes for tough tought game for enemy, ODarua amazing on manastarved Undying with low CD spells. Undying early aggro help OD through earlygame. lategame hammer with damage amplification can also be big. Ogre manastarved when he gets aghs aura rly good for manastarved heros with low CD spells. slow and stun so OD can keep autroattacking. bloodlust on OD is also nice.

              Slardar + Disruptor (ampDamage gives vision for glimse so when u win a fight u get bonuskill, blink crush on multiple heros perfect setup for kinetik field static storm), mb + Darkseer since neither of these is a spacetaker so there is alot of farming space for DS and obvious synergy with disru ulti combo wombo

              Ember Spirit (mid or Safe)
              Doom (solo Off)
              Ogre (safesupp/ roamer)
              Kotl (jungle / safesupp) 5 sec CD redution from cmagic to ogre blast means permastun, with aghs even juicier, mana to doom rly good, 3 sec CD lvl death, 1 sec CD slight of fist = double slight of fist. Sleight+chains ez setup for illuminate blast + recall nice for ember make him even more global. last pick probably some phisical dmg dealer, maybe clinkz (good with the kotl mana and recall)

              kotl + clinkz (safe) + naga (mid) + x + x
              All team focus is to get radiance minute 18-24 on naga. clinkz annoy opponent before, take tower, take controle of enemy jungle. if enemy bkb u song+net+strafe= dead enemy if enemy not fight u massivly outspilitpush. naga is actually bad at killign towers and rosh until very late so clinkz helps out there. kotl enabels them to do this. u outspiltpush rly hard and naga farms way quicker with chakra magic.

              kotl + Puck. the mana is nice for puck, the CD reduction not bad but the biggest synergy is with dream coil + blinding light.

              kotl + fenix/undying . blinding light = cant kill Egg / tombstone (undying also rly good with the mana and cd reduction)

              tusk + dazzle: grab people in snolwball and use wave after. also makes for good saving grace when enemy go in u can defensivly snowball, grave and heal. so its tought to get kills for enemy and theylll be overextended, ez turnaround

              Offlane Legion Commander
              Jungling CM with 2 lvls aura
              Safelane Slark
              Support Visage?
              Spam Overwhelming Odds like no tomorrow, rly annoying. get force/mek/glimmer on CM. between legion heal, mb another savior kinda spell slark gets immortal and can rly get work done. also will outeco and outcarry enemy. need some teamfight aoe and magic burst with last picks. visage use maiden aura reasonable well and deals the towerdamage with familiars. can take safelane farm when slarks goes for ganks and even more outcarry lategame power.

              duallane Shadow Demon + Centaur. Disrupt -Soulcatcher - hoofstomp - doubleedge - autoattacks. ez kills lvl 2or3 onward. quick dagger. good defensivly (def.disrupt and stampede as getaway). commit hard in fights. enemy turn on you -> proceed to outplay with defensive abilitys.

              Bristle + dazzle (dont go vs Axe!!!) 5 man weaver + qull stacks = rampage. worked many times. heal also very gud on BB cause of all of his resistances

              Tiny + Io + Beastmaster. Hawk to find target - relocate and avatoss. or roar before relocate. attspeed aura rly good for tiny. boar slow helps with bkb enemys

              QoP + SF + dazlle (shoutout to puppey). the weave is rly nice for SF. the grave gurantees QoP / Sf get unstunned and get to blink away or channel requiem. after enemy commit u win fight. saw secret use this so many many times and win teamfights off of good qop reengage / 3 4 man hit with requiem after enemy blow everything on SF

              AA + Centaur + Meepo
              max chilling touch put on clones stampede = reampage. icevortex also nice with centaur magic dmg and meepos poof dmg. add 2 heros 1core 1support (wind rly good imho and support maybe just someone with good stun n shit)

              Support with Stun
              Tinker tp on chen creeps, spam march to zone enemy from defending their towers. use travelboots to keep enemy from rat dota. push towers superhard. take roshan aswell with chencreeps n jugger. undying for more ealry pressure. get defensive items and have jugger hit enemy tier 3 with 1st aegis. if want to go late better not pick undying. chens late got buffed quite a bit with penitence. guardian greaves + ancientsauras + allheal every 30 sec = cant die.

              Ember (mid)
              slark (safe)
              tide (off)
              2 very defensive supports (abbadon, oracle, dazzle, witchdoctor, venge, shadow demon, winter wyvern etc)
              ember and slark create space for the other. enemy hardfocus slark? they get rekt by ember. also outlate and outsplitpush enemy. defensive spells and supports that dont need any farm to safe cores. if it comes to teamfights tide shreks them. mix low CD with high CD.






                ELDER TITAN


                  whatever vrokstack does


                    But seriously, stacked up with 3 of my friends last night and we played a SVEN, WITCH DOCTOR, SKYWRATH, SHAKER, SLARDAR combo that stomped hard. Yes we were playing against other 3k scrubs, idk what the mmr cap would be for this sort of thing.. but the gank potential and stun-lock was retarded.

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                        Tiny + io works on paper generally. Personally i always win against this combo due to new meta 5 man doto. (this combo relies on tiny snowballing and global ganks) Means it needs a friend sitting in same room to cooperate well.

                        My favourite lane combo is:

                        CM + jugger - anti stun-lock lane, ez to gank

                        Also when it comes to Windrunner 30% pick rate, its nice to have a silencer support on safe lane. I think it outzones wr best nowadays. Supports like Lion, Dazzle, Kotl, Cm are ez killed by good Wr on offlane.


                          TEAM GLOBAL:

                          ITEMS: AGHANIM, REFRESHER, radiance(Spectre)

                          EZ win


                              IO+LC = duely
                              TRAX+SF = pushy
                              DAZZLE + TB = killy
                              PL+NAGA+TB + deffensive supps (shaker ban)= super spammy

                              One particular I hate:
                              Omni + Silencer + refreshers

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                                hi im a lol player and i love jinx

                                Mind Games

                                  lmfao this thread basically everything works as long as they synergize/compliment each other

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                                    Veno and Undying is cancer, Gale for 15 second 50% slow + Tombstone

                                    [F]unky Panda

                                      Wd n Warlock for supports, + Phoenix offlane.. Try this


                                        Magnus Shaker Enigma. RP into blackhole into Echo. Get a veil and its a rampage every time (unless someone is rediculously tanky) Then just get two HCs to finish off anything else (only works if team is dumb enough to stand close together)


                                          if you are about control in team fights and early agressive lineup: bane + ogre in hardline doing a lot. Ogre farmes/kills annoying people for lvl 3 and urn of shadows and goes with bane dominate the map. Bane sleeps the target or annoying helper and then maxed ignite kills all the shit from your opponent + pure damage of brain sap

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                                          Sexo Meister

                                            Ursa wk for that early rosh and sick 45% lifesteal

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Any 5 heroes + necro 3s on all of them.

                                              Nobody will be ready. Bonus points for bm, lycan and ld picks.

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                                                The combo I've been thinking is Lifestealer safelane farm with Disrupter or SB supporting while Alch mids and Undying and SB or Disrupter off lane, Alch would rush aghs for Lifestealer after radiance then they could do the three man gank and wreck the field till Lifestealer gets farmed enough to pretty much 5 man push and win team fights