General Discussion

General DiscussionDisruptor mid?

Disruptor mid? in General Discussion

    How terrible is it?

    I've been trying it out my last few games and I was surprised at the amount of impact I was having in every game, here for example;
    I was laning mid against the alchemist I and owned him really hard with the new cd on the thunderstrike, its 400 magical damage every 9 seconds when maxed and its a 300 magic damage when you're lvl 5 every 10 seconds. The alchemist had to leave mid but his supports stacked the whole jungle and he still came out with a radiance minute 12:30 (more retarded hero than 6.84 bs), I mean I killed him like 3 times in mid and once while he was jungling and he still had his radiance in a bit more than 12 minutes...
    However I was trying to adapt to the game and I made a blademail to return his radiance and acid damage and also to kill bs when he ult me I just tped to base and run with blademail on.
    Anyways it was a normal skill game because I was stacking with some friends. I played 5 games in a row playing as a mid and you can check it out in my page if you want to, but I basically dealt the most hero damage in every single game. I still lost 3 out of the 5 games because my carries didnt do much late game and that's the reason I wonder if it's a viable mid or not, because late game you still have impact if you have aghanim sceptre but you obviously fall off quite a bit.

    My build was pretty much the same in every game because Im trying to figure out how else I can play it; Nul talisman - > bottle -> boots -> urn -> Travels (gave me lot of map presence and created tons of space) -> Atos -> Blademail (I made it every game and I think that was one mistake, it was an amazing item in the alchemist game but not really on the others) -> Aghanim -> Octarine -> Shivas.
    I think it would be better to skip the blademail and get a shadow blade or blink because I felt I was lacking mobility, the aghanims is core and the octarine is really good, one good ult can regen you up to full hp and the cd reductions are great. Atos is very cheap efficient item and I like it on many int mid heroes.

    So, what do you think about disruptor mid in 6.85? Any idea to improve the item build? Disruptor is one of my main heroes and I would love to see him being viable to play mid in my ranked games.

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        i thnk u wud only do this if u had like a safe lane naga to combo with


          other than that its nto worth


            I was comboing it with bounty hunter and it was a pain in the ass for the enemy, they were tracked and glimpsed all the fucking time, it was too funny to play, they were just forced to 5 man since the minute 8. Also when playing with good late game carries like gyro it worked really well, or any aoe damage carry like luna might work aswell.

            Thanks for the opinions tho.

            King of Low Prio

              You can play any hero mid, it is just a matter of is it worth giving him solo exp and farm. He does not scale as well with items as much as a QoP alchemist ect.

              Riguma Borusu

                You know, in DotA 1, it was popular to place SS and Lion mid, and guess what, they are actually still okay mid heroes, it's just that they can still do most of their things being pos 4 or 5. And guess what, SS is an even better mid than disruptor, since he has good wave clear and can actually take a tower early, etc, while disruptor is more of a teamfight hero, but you getting your level 6 when your carry and offlaner don't have them doesn't really help you much, since it's a teamfight ult dependant on the team doing the majority of damage. So it can kinda work, it's just not optimal, if you compare it to QoP's lvl 6 where she can wreck a team and gank really hard with great mobility and nuking potential, your options are somewhat limited. Alchemist gets greater farming and ganking capability. SS takes a tower. Shadowfiend just starts to scale rapidly. Lion can one shot people. Disruptor can... something? Obviously if it's going really well for you you can get an early veil/aghs and just wreck solo people and teamfights, it's just that it's popular to have (semi) carries mid lately due to better scaling later. Disruptor neither goes for early finish and pushes hard to warrant his core position (like a SS potentially would in a strong push strat) nor does his damage output scale for when the enemies get some items for tank/initiation (and since you aren't taking towers like crazy, they'll be able to farm safer than if you, again, had some other "support" hero mid, like SS).

                So it's not about whether it's viable, it definitelly is, it ranks up there with rubick, ss, lion, jakiro, etc, it's just not optimal nowadays unless you really think your lanes through and build around it (dual carry lineup with strong dual lanes or some shit like that, that's, still, easy to punish or you need that particular ult as soon as possible because the other team has a bunch of high mobility spell dependant heroes like antimage, ember or weaver).

                Lanes are really funky in this meta so almost anything's possible.

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                Dire Wolf

                  Idk if it's good but winning a lane vs alch is not hard at all. Like you said the problem is alch doesn't give a shit, he'll just acid the lane and leave, get a few cs from the wave that you miss denies on and he'll go stack and farm jungle. Still get radiance around 10 mins it's stupid shit. I was playing sniper and he was never in lane, I denied half the creeps, he still got a 12 min radiance. Unless you have team that actively ganks jungle he will always get his farm, though I guess the plus is so will you. Vs him you probably need a mid who can push the tower and take it fast, then go disrupt his jungle farm.

                  But anyway, disruptor mid? Maybe.

                  G M E !

                    Its a distribution of resource question. You mid a hero for faster XP and maybe faster farm. Therefore its a timing question for your team.

                    Even in the pro scene you get unorthodox mids sometimes. Dendi earth shaker comes to mind.

                    Disruptor mid though sounds like a "do only if x y z happens" and not new meta.

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