guys i have started playing on my old account like a few days ago but i wanna know , i had like 30 games from 2014 played and i sucked back then , do they count in my calibration ??!?!?!?!?
dude it all depends on calibration. my tbd games is 4wins 6 lose, my first game is 3.6k but i calibrated at 4060 mmr , even if your predicted mmr is 3.5k you can still calibrate it in 4.5k and above if your really that good
ok thx , i just want your advice on whether i should continue on my acc if my stats are good , or should i start a new one to get rid of these old matches from 2014
play patiently till calib and wait for +/-800 deviations max. if youre good you will calib higher than the starting avg. sure calib games make difference in the end
lol ! im just a support ln my last game ! yeah im feed , but i did my best on my carries ! i stock on ancient and buy a lot of obs/sent wards ! bec of that riki !
Around 4.5K
@100k TBD
4K but you need more games for a more accurate prediction m8
Ez 10K m8
Thanks @Joe ! all i want is 4k lol ! haha
Predict mine
Predik my memer lol. I'm 12 BTW haHaaa
Ez 6969K mmr
predik mine
Predict mine plsssss!
3.9 to 4K
can you predict mine?
predict mine pls...........
Sub 2.6K
not too honest joel
I have to be honest to these cucks. If not I'll just create more dunning kruger retards thinking that their good
Predict my MMR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys i have started playing on my old account like a few days ago but i wanna know , i had like 30 games from 2014 played and i sucked back then , do they count in my calibration ??!?!?!?!?
@smurfer ^ click 4.4k estimated but not too accurate
@Funnykiller maybe around 3.8-9kmmr
but it depends on calibration
Psycho , why you think only 3.8 , i mean im playing alot better than my main , and i got 3.2 on that one , dont u think this one could be above 4.5 ?
is it because of my old games ? will they be counted? if so im gonna make a new account !! start from scratch!
dude it all depends on calibration. my tbd games is 4wins 6 lose, my first game is 3.6k but i calibrated at 4060 mmr , even if your predicted mmr is 3.5k you can still calibrate it in 4.5k and above if your really that good
ok thx , i just want your advice on whether i should continue on my acc if my stats are good , or should i start a new one to get rid of these old matches from 2014
Thanks psycho. Good stuff
looks like you found your replacement, like you replaced me :V
Hey, predict my mmr please. I haven't started calibrating yet.
play patiently till calib and wait for +/-800 deviations max. if youre good you will calib higher than the starting avg. sure calib games make difference in the end
Could u predict mine?
@noGGz 3.7k - 4k
can u predict mine also?
dota 1 slark was ugly af, but he looked better than gondar rip that small child
@Aomine Deki
predict mine please. :)
Kurumi 3.1k
predict mine !
You obviously don't belong in Very High Skill bracket yet judging from your last games
lol ! im just a support ln my last game ! yeah im feed , but i did my best on my carries ! i stock on ancient and buy a lot of obs/sent wards ! bec of that riki !
Joe Predict mine please ^_^
Predict mine then :)
predict mine :D
how does this prediction thing work when people's mmr is visible?
Sry lads just woke up
@1.14, Toonis and L
It's on your profile. LMAO there's no point predicting something that has alrdy happen m8
3k mmr perdictor![](
I'm no more 2.7k Dotabuff profile is bugged please predict mine hehe :3
me! me!!!
Let me guess around 3.7K to 4K
Edit: @LazyLame
i think, i need to stack more camps and farm more.. :D haha tnx bro.
Predict how much MMR I will have when I break 2k games :D I'll post then
Maybe 5K or more if you're determine and motivated to do it