General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus remodel?

Zeus remodel? in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

    I am maybe a bit late for this news :/
    but anyway
    Tell your opinion about Zeus's new model


      way too buffed, i like my good old mario tbh.


        the new zeus looks like a weaboo


          in 2nd screenshot theres a naked zeus hiding behind a tree


            his dress would be sexy if it was a girl


              i normally embrace change but there are already dozens of buff heroes. it was kind of sweet that he was a short-arse.

              there need to be more dwarves in dota.

              Pale Mannie

                giff zeus arcana alredy xddd


                  nobody gives a shit abt zues. WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR DESERT TERRAIN?

                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                    lol at people thinking the old model was better, foh


                      A zeus is not supposed to be that ripped and big. Hes not a bodybuilder.

                      Tu tayta

                        Zeus is all about raping bitches.




                            can arcana be old zeus

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I think he'd be better off with a beard.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                I think the new Zues looks much better, I mean, i'm an artist, so I understand there's ONLY SO MUCH THEY CAN DO to change him, without having the community bitch.

                                You change something too little, then the entitled people bitch about how it's the same, you change something too much, then the people bitch about how he's not the same character they know and love, you have to find a balance, cause people are hard to please, and I think they found that balance. But I guess everyone has their own opinions. welp*

                                Now that he's taller, getting hit by his W cause gonna be that much more intimidating in lane.

                                There's only a few characters I think that people would gladly love if Valve totally redid them, and left NOTHING the same. (cough* Elder Titan)

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                                Pale Mannie

                                  *cough* Slardar *cough*


                                    i just want io to look like the sun with planets orbiting him


                                      it does look better - just think it is a bit naff to have another giant ripped hero. apart from looking like mario the stocky zeus added more variety to the game.


                                        looks shit.

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          His new model doesnt really fit the lore

                                          Sexo Meister

                                            Idk vorkey, im an artist and valve could have done more. I dony see a good damn reason why they decided to remodel him this way (beside being lazy volvo).

                                            Or even remodel him.