General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's give aimstronk some power

Let's give aimstronk some power in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So after he told me how ez he gets 1k mmr per patch and now fails miserably like i told him that he would, i thought we should cheer him on so he can get 4k again and not get people like troll in his matches :D

    G0G0 AimstronK


      lmao, if he's desperate enough to play TA, that means that he's tilting really hard right now. he hates that hero


        storm nerf killed him, and he just can't play consistently with SF, it's hilarious.

        try invoker again, m8

        Giff me Wingman

          yeah, i told him it will affect him, he was like, LOOK AT ME GO WITH +1K MMR. Now he has to reroad the 4k :(


            classic gaystrong, I haven't seen him in a week now, come 2 werk lmao

            < blank >

              Not the patch killed Storm, it's the team who can't push


                you know you are fucked when u feel like blaming teammates for your losses

                Mind Games

                  Aimstrong want me to coach you? I'm not just the king of elo MMR trench. I'm the best fucking king of the best fucking elo of the best fucking trench of the best fucing server: South Fucking East Fucking Asia


                    ^lost with sniper when HOHO HAHA was in his prime

                    Mind Games

                      Kitty its me dogolini 2

                      75% of the games there are from Beast brawl... what was i thinking, TA for beast brawl...

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                        lmaooo pinoy boi? u got baned?


                          Time to grind party mmr bitch.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            I taught him to play doom, lets see if he can get his way back to 4k. :D